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6 Essential Natural Remedies to use during and after your Summer Holiday


It’s an exciting time of year where most families are off to the beach or bush for a much needed break, however after the break you may suffer from a few ailments due to the changes the holiday brings on. Below we recommend some great essentials for your natural remedy kit to use during and after your summer holidays:

1. A natural remedy for diarrhoea – depending on where you’re going, there may be nasty ‘bugs’ in the water you drink or food you eat, or swim in. The most important thing to do when you have diarrhoea is to replace electrolytes and drink lots of water. Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine – Diarrhoea Formula can be used for symptoms of diarrhoea relating to gastric flu, gastroenteritis or food poisoning, fear, anxiety or shock. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal. It may also be used as a preventative measure for travellers and when a gastric bug is doing the rounds at school or in the office. Also available to take in combination is Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine – Nausea & Vomiting Formula. Take both formulas together to cover all symptoms of gastro.

2. A natural remedy for colds and flu – Holidays often bring on colds and flu as the body is more relaxed. To nip a cold in the bud, pack with you Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine – Cold, Flu &Viral Infection Formula.
Take it at the first sign of colds, flu and any viral infection to relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. Combine also with a remedy for any immediate symptoms such as sinusitis and post nasal drip; earache and infection and sore throat.

3. A natural remedy for travel sickness – If you or your children are prone to travel and car or sea sickness, it’s essential to pack Eugenie Rowson’s Travellers Disorders Formula. This formula is an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to help with symptoms relating to travel, including mild nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, vertigo, sleep disorders or disturbances and jetlag.

4. A natural remedy for Bites and Stings – Summer in South Africa is rife with all sorts of bugs and insects and sea creatures, so it’s important to be prepared. Pack Eugenie Rowson’s Bites, Stings and Puncture Wound Formula for all kinds of bites and stings – bee stings, wasp stings, spider bites, mosquito bites, blue bottle and jellyfish stings and puncture wounds. This formula helps to relieve burning, stinging pain and inflammation.

 5. A natural remedy to combat overindulgence – You may exhausted from overindulgence during the silly season and you may want to detox. Eugenie Rowson’s Detox Formula is perfect for this. This natural remedy assists with blood purification and kidney, liver gallbladder and lymphatic drainage, allowing these organs to function optimally and therefore combats overindulgence in rich food and alcohol. For more immediate with alcohol ‘overindulgence’, try her Eugenie Rowson’s Hangover Formula.

 6. A natural remedy for sunburn and sunstroke – Sun, sea and sand and perhaps too much time in it with not enough sunscreen. For days when you’ve been overexposed to the sun try Eugenie Rowson’s Sunstroke &Sunburn Formula. This natural remedy helps to relieve symptoms associated with sunstroke, such as sunburn, blistering and dehydration. It’s important to also drink lots of water when suffering from sunstroke and keep well hydrated.

So there you have it, 6 essential natural remedies to have handy during and after your holiday. So relax, unwind and most of all enjoy!

Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which are safe for adults, children and pets. These are available online at The Remedy Shoppe  www.theremedyshoppe.co.za or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet The Remedy Shoppe, 34 Crawford Drive, Douglasdale, Johannesburg. Call: +27 (0)76 410 8262.