

Dominating, forceful, ambitious, efficient, strong-willed. Quick-thinkers in emergency. Like to lay down the law and want things done their way. No desire to convert others, just expect obedience. Craves power. Greedy for authority. Child may rule the roost. Knows better than anyone. Can be tyrannical and dictatorial.

99 in stock


Dominating, forceful, ambitious, efficient, strong-willed. Quick-thinkers in emergency. Like to lay down the law and want things done their way. No desire to convert others, just expect obedience. Craves power. Greedy for authority. Child may rule the roost. Knows better than anyone. Can be tyrannical and dictatorial.




Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly – reduce with improvement of symptoms.
Keep away from battery operated & electrical appliances.
Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.


Electromagnetic solution.
No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &


Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.

Best before:
3 months after opening.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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