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Natural Remedies for an Unhappy Stomach

In our previous article “How to Beat Heartburn the natural way” we looked at natural remedies to ease heartburn and reflux, a common stomach ailment.

Stomach natural remedies

There are however many more illnesses and ailments around the stomach and we have 5 natural remedies to help these.

1. Natural remedies for bloating

A bloated stomach can be linked to a variety of issues including IBS, a spastic colon and food intolerances. A good natural remedy to use is simply lime in hot water as well as Carbo Veg, this is helpful when the upper part of the stomach and abdomen feels bloated.

2. Natural remedies for “a stomach in knots”

A stomach in knots is often linked to anxiety and stress. However sometimes these factors in life cannot be avoided in which case trying Valerian Root Extract is very beneficial. Another natural remedy to try is Kali Phos, this eases anxiety, apprehension, fears, worry, panic, depression and irritability.

3. Natural remedies if you have eaten too much

Sipping on fresh lemon balm tea is an excellent natural remedy for a full stomach. Another brilliant natural solution is Nux Vom, for over-indulgence in rich, spicy foods and stimulants.

4. Natural remedies for indigestion

Indigestion can be caused by very rich or fatty foods, so following a balanced diet really goes a long way to prevent indigestion. However for times that this can’t be avoided chew a handful of fennel seeds. Also try Abies Nigra if you experience indigestion that feels like a hard-boiled egg is stuck somewhere along the oesophagus or before the stomach, or if you feel all plugged up. Another useful remedy is Arg Nit, where there is enormous distention of the abdomen and accompanies gastric disturbances.

5. Natural remedies for nausea

Many people recommend eating ginger slices or ginger tea when feeling nauseous which works wonders especially for morning sickness. Nux Vom, is an excellent natural remedy for nauseas after overindulgence as well as Cuprum for nausea and dizziness.

Many of the above natural remedies are available in an easy to use mouth sprays through Eugenie Rowson’s popular Vibrational Medicines. For more information on these and other effective natural remedies visit the online shop www.theremedyshoppe.co.za as well as their retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg.

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