Did you know that up to 20% of ADHD children have such a negative reaction to ADHD psychostimulants that they cannot continue with the treatment ? Are you aware that many hyped-up mind-altering drugs have failed in clinical trials? Finally, did you know that 23 infants (less than 12 months old) in Florida were prescribed these antipsychotics? It is when parents read things like this that they decide to have no part in this, as it is quite frankly, far too risky for their children’s health. No surprise in guessing that homeopathic ADHD remedies are now gaining popularity in USA, UK and Europe.
ADHD in children does not always start at the same point in a child’s life. Sometimes ADHD is brought on by a traumatic event in early childhood. Arnica, one of the homeopathic ADHD remedies, is useful for children getting over a trauma.
Aurum Metallicum is indicated for those children who have difficulty in social relationships and in making friends. It is also useful for children who have sinus problems and suffer from nasal congestion.
Take another one of the homeopathic ADHD remedies like Lachesis which is really effective for those children who talk non-stop and drive everybody mad. Those children who respond well to this remedy may also be sarcastic, moody and given to revenge.
The inattentive, spacey and rather giddy child can benefit from Nux Moschata. They tend to be rather drowsy although they are sometimes most cooperative in doing household chores but they do have problems in focusing on tasks and concentrating. There are literally hundreds of ADHD homeopathic remedies which address the symptoms of ADHD.
In considering whether ADHD homeopathic remedies might be suitable for your child, it is better to do some homework first and find out as much as possible about the treatments being offered. Homeopathic ADHD remedies could well be the answer to your child’s problems and save you loads of money and worry!