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Never been well since (NBWS) symptoms

If a person has not had good health since a particular event, (i.e. if they have ‘never been well since’ that time) and even though a condition may have existed for years, they may still need the remedy today that would have been needed at the time of the incident.

For example: A person may never have recovered from an emotional loss (grief)
You may not have been yourself since an injury or a shock
You may never have fully got over a cough or a bout of flu
Your digestion has been compromised since taking a course of antibiotics
A mother may never have been well since giving birth

If you have NBWS symptoms, select the remedy that most closely matches your symptoms at the time of the incident, eg Arnica 200c and Symphytum 200c for a broken bone, or Ignatia 200c for grief, which will stimulate your own healing mechanisms and restore balance to your body and mind. It’s never too late!