Direction of cure refers to the fact that the body heals itself in a specific direction or order – not just in any old higgledy-piggledy order. The body heals itself in order of priority: from the top down, and from the inside out. Mind and head first and then downwards; internal organs before skin.
Therefore, if the body is in a state of healing, we should feel or observe an improvement of symptoms in this direction – for example, a person should notice initially that they feel better emotionally, and that their state of mind (and issues that relate to the mind such as mood/emotion, appetite) is improving before there is a noticeable improvement with symptoms lower down in the body, such as digestion.
Based on direction of cure, a fever will improve before a skin rash; nausea and vomiting will improve before diarrhoea. It is also advisable to focus on prioritising the symptoms in this direction – e.g. concern yourself with treating nausea and vomiting before diarrhoea, because this is the order in which the body is inclined to heal itself. Of course, it would be best to find a remedy that helps with all three – but if the remedy is working, then the nausea and vomiting should improve first.