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Lower back problems

Q: My granddaughter is 20 years of age and at present living in Sweden. She has a history of slipped discs, was in hospital in Johannesbug for two weeks at the beginning of this year, and had an MRI scan and had some physio treatment and they did not want to operate for which we were thankful. She came back to Lusaka where she had more physio treatment which seemed to help; at least she was fit enough to make the long journey back to Sweden with her mother.

This was in May. Her back has not improved, if anything it is worse, and when she had another MRI scan it showed up a third disc has slipped. In the meantime she is in a lot of pain and is presently having acupuncture treatment. She has recently seen a specialist in Stockholm who has suggested she join a “pain management session”. She is at university in Sweden and is doing her master’s course. She has been a vegetarian since about the age of four and she is very slim. She is very worried about this condition, as are all the family.

A: One’s emotions have a significant influence on one’s physical make-up and the body’s ability to heal and renew itself. Lower back issues may stem from an earlier shock or deep seated concern with one’s physical safety and security, or feeling unsupported by life.  In the absence of injury, lower back weakness might also relate to desires, emotions and mother issues. I suggest you make a good start by encouraging your granddaughter’s healing mechanisms and try the following homoeopathic remedies for at least 3 months:

Silica   200c         4-6 times a day
Calc Phos  200c   4-6 times a day

UPDATE: April 2009
Thought you would like a quick update on Stephi’s progress (our grandaughter with back problems /slipped disks) news that we have from Sweden is that she gets better and stronger every day!