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Moms are tuned in

For everyday ailments, you can be your own best physician by treating yourself with Vibrational Medicine, since you (more than anyone else) are in tune and sensitive to the negative changes in your own body and mind.

266You may be different, uncomfortable, irritated, painful, unsightly or just plain sore. Then who better to decide on the most suitable homeopathic remedy than you?
In circumstances where we can’t or won’t help ourselves, I am convinced that mothers make the best physicians to their loved ones. They’re tuned in to every tiny sniffle, mood change or bowel movement, so who better to recognise any deviation from the norm but mom? What’s more, any effort to help the healing process that is motivated by love and care is all the more powerful!

It’s really very simple: As long as you can describe the symptoms in ordinary words, an inexpensive homeopathic remedy can be chosen and administered to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms, to correct the imbalance that has caused the ailment.

Wishing you good health!
