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10 Benefits of Natural Remedies from Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine

Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine, has evolved from the age-old Homeopathy and is an alternative system of medicine that can be used to stimulate the body’s own immune system and healing mechanisms to improve overall health and wellbeing. It is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. There so many benefits to using these natural remedies from Eugenie’s Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine range – here are 10:

1. Safe: These natural remedies are completely safe to use with other medication. There is no interference or detrimental effect – they can only do good. It is always recommended advisable to seek the advice of a professional natural health practitioner before use.

2. For all ages: These remedies are beneficial to adults, children and infants, and as for homeopathic remedies, they are completely safe. They are gentle enough to be given safely to children and infants, but effective enough for adults, too. Her Vibrational Medicine’s natural remedies can also be used very safely by pregnant women and lactating mothers. These are also safe for pets – even horses.

3. Holistic: Her Vibrational Medicine treats holistically – at a physical, mental and emotional level and brings about healing. These natural remedies treat the whole person.

4. Inexpensive: These natural remedies are inexpensive and affordable to most people. Imagine a system of medicine which aims to promote healing without harm – with massive savings on medical bills and unnecessary expensive tests, scans, operations and endless toxic drugs.

5. Easy to use: Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine is easy to use. These mouth spray remedies are readily available in combination formulas and due to their safe nature can be easily used by everyone.

6. Effective: Thousands of Eugenie’s patients and customers have been healed by her natural remedies. These are incredibly effective in stimulating a healing response – even more so than other natural remedies because they are electromagnetic and reach the entire body in seconds.

7. No side effects: Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine does not cause any side effects  – this is unlike mainstream medicine which is made chemically and works by suppression; causing toxicity in the body and many side effects.

8. Natural: Her Vibrational Medicine is made electromagnetically and only uses  the vibration of natural substances such as plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, herbs, flowers, biochemic tissue salts, etc. This promotes safe, natural healing for the whole family. The Remedy Shoppe also recycles their bottles, contributing to a greener environment.

9. Testimonials: Her Vibrational Medicine’s natural remedies have been used by people and for animals with great success and no living organism is harmed in the making of these remedies.

10. Restores health: Her Vibrational Medicine stimulates the body’s own natural defense mechanism, strengthening this and increasing the body’s own ability to fight off illness and infection.

There are thousands more benefits to using natural remedies from Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine which we will cover later in the series.  Others can be found on the Testimonials page on the website.

Eugenie Rowson is a biofeedback therapist, natural health practitioner and a registered Ethnomedicine practitioner in South Africa. She is a qualified British Homoeopath and a fellow of the British Institute of Homoeopathy.

Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique natural mouth spray remedies which are available online at The Remedy Shoppe or through her private practice and adjoined retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg, and provides the world with a desperately needed, comprehensive and innovative self-help system of healing medicine that is a simple, affordable, powerful, non-toxic, safe and highly effective way to overcome hundreds of ailments.  You can also shop online at www.theremedyshoppe.co.za. from wherever you are, for world-wide delivery.

For more information on her Vibrational Medicine and natural remedies including testimonials, articles, radio talks, press, products & consultations contact +2776 410 8262 or visit www.eugenierowson.com.