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Advantages of Eugenie Rowson’s Natural Remedies over the Flu Season

In our previous article the 10 Benefits of Natural Remedies from Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine , we explained how natural remedies and, in particular Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine can be greatly successful in bringing the body back to order by using the vibration of natural substances such as plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, herbs, flowers, biochemic tissue salts, etc. to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. This is especially true over flu when season viruses and bacteria wreak havoc in our stressed and tired bodies, when our immune system is struggling. Unlike homeopathic medicines where there is a physical substance in the remedy, Eugenie Rowson’s natural remedies are made electromagnetically to stimulate the body’s life force and bring it back to good health.

So why are these natural remedies so effective during the winter months of cold and flu season?

1. Natural remedies increase the power of the immune system: Eugenie Rowson’s natural remedies have one purpose, and this is to stimulate the body’s own immune system to bring the body back to health. This allows the body to fight off nasty germs, viruses and bacteria easily in a short space of time, in a completely natural way.

2. Natural remedies are safe for all to use: Cold and flu season is often the time when people with weak immune systems struggle the most and are limited in what they can take. These natural remedies are therefore a fantastic solution to this in boosting immunity to combat and prevent these illnesses. They are safe for all ages – infants, children, adults, lactating mothers, pregnant women and also pets!

3.  Inexpensive alternative:  Mainstream medicine works by suppression and therefore must be used continuously to keep the illness under and hidden (but not healed), therefore incurring endless courses of chronic toxic drugs.
Eugenie Rowson’s natural remedies are made electromagnetically and only aim to promote healing. These are a self-help alternative which are simple, affordable, powerful, non-toxic, safe and a highly effective way to overcome hundreds of ailments – without harm (to your body or your bank account!). One can therefore enjoy massive savings on medical bills and unnecessary expensive tests, scans, operations and suppressive drugs.

4. No nasty jabs or antibiotics: These natural remedies are preventative solutions – they can be used to boost the immune system and therefore prevent viruses or bacteria from causing illness, thus allowing us to avoid the desperate need for suppressive antibiotics or a cold and flu vaccination. These remedies provide a huge relief and support for desperate parents because there are no nasty side effects involved.

There are many natural remedies which exist today but these by Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine are made using the electromagnetic vibration of natural substances such as plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, herbs, flowers, biochemic tissue salts, etc. to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to bring about good health.  As they are made electromagnetically, they are fast-acting, effective for both acute and chronic illness and are safe for all ages, and pets.

Eugenie Rowson is a biofeedback therapist, natural health practitioner and a registered Ethnomedicine practitioner in South Africa. She is a qualified British Homoeopath and a Fellow of the British Institute of Homoeopathy.

Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which are safe for adults, children and pets. These are available online at The Remedy Shoppe  www.theremedyshoppe.co.za or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet The Remedy Shoppe, 24 Pipers Road, Douglasdale, Johannesburg.
Call: +27 (0)76 410 8262.

For more information on her Vibrational Medicine and natural remedies including testimonials, articles, radio talks, press, products & consultations contact +2776 410 8262 or visit www.eugenierowson.com.