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Great Home Remedies for Stomach Cramps

home remedies for stomach cramps

Stomach cramps can be caused by a variety of factors including certain foods, anxiety, period pains and more. If stomach cramps persist for longer than a few days it’s important to go to a health professional to make sure that it’s not due to a more serious condition. However, if treated appropriately, stomach cramps will disappear over a few hours. To help ease your pain here are a few home remedies for stomach cramps you can try:

Stomach Cramp Home Remedies

1. Mint Juice Tea
Mint is one of the many excellent home remedies for stomach cramps available as it is a great tasting, soothing herb that can be found in your own back garden.
Best consumed as a tea with a little honey and lime mixed in is a delicious way to ease your stomach cramps.

2. Carom Seeds
Carom seeds have been known for centuries as one of the great home remedies for stomach cramps and to treat a variety of ailments. Carom Seeds belong to the same family as fennel, dill, anise and caraway and are effective in relieving stomach cramps, diarrhoea and indigestion. They can be consumed either raw by chewing a handful or in powdered form, which can be added to hot water to make a tea.

3. Applying Heat
If stomach cramps are due to menstruation applying a hot water bottle to the stomach will provide some relief. This is one of the easiest home remedies for stomach cramps to administer and although it won’t necessarily cure the cause of the stomach cramps, it will definitely help to ease the pain and discomfort.

4. Lemon Tea
Adding fresh lemon to boiled water is one of the quickest home remedies for stomach cramps to use. By adding a teaspoon of natural, organic honey, lemon tea is a soothing and calming drink to have and should help to ease stomach cramps.

5. Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicines
The ease of use and purchase of Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine makes it one of the greatest home remedies for stomach cramps. Have a handy spray bottle available of the Abdominal Cramps and Spasms Formula for use as and when you need it. Individual remedies available from Eugenie Rowson’s retail outlet – The Remedy Shoppe which are excellent for relieving stomach cramps include Carbo Veg, Colosynthis, Cuprum and Mag Phos.

Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which are safe for adults, children, pregnant women and pets. These are available from The Remedy Shoppe online at www.theremedyshoppe.co.za or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg. There’s a remedy for that!