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Home Remedies for Fever in Children

home remedies for fever

If you ask any parent they will tell you that their child having a fever is one of the most worrying conditions and usually means an underlying infection which should be treated immediately. Getting the fever down as soon as possible however is important to reduce the child being uncomfortable or becoming dehydrated. If the child is under 5 months old, a doctor should be called immediately. Taking your child to a professional healthcare provider when they have a fever is the first port of call, however if you are unable to at that particular time, there are a few home remedies for fever in children that you can try in the interim.

Home Remedies for Fever

1. A lukewarm bath
Placing your child in a lukewarm bath and sponging them down is an effective home remedy for fevers in children. Be sure that the water is not cold, this causes the body to shiver and will in fact increase the temperature. A lukewarm bath will help to cool your child and bring the temperature down.

2. Fluids, fluids and more fluids
Even though your child may not feel like drinking, it is very important to keep them hydrated. Sucking on ice cubes or even trying to get them to eat a frozen lolly will help to cool their body temperature down from the inside. Even just a few sips of water every half hour help with keeping the fluids up. Keeping a steady fluid intake is the most important home remedy for fever in children.

3. Using a fan
Using a fan can help to cool the air around the child, this is an excellent home remedy for fevers in children and can be done just about anywhere, however do not blow the fan directly onto the child as they may get too cold too quickly which will increase the temperature. Set the fan up so that it cools the air around the child.

4. A cool damp facecloth on the child’s forehead
This home remedy for a fever in children is one of the most common and helps to ease any discomfort the child may have. Dip a face cloth in lukewarm water, wring out and place on the child’s forehead while they rest. You can also place it on the back of their neck to help with the fever.

5. Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Remedies
An excellent natural remedy for fevers in Children is Eugenie Rowsons Fever and Inflammation Formula. Use this formula at the first sign of symptoms of fever with or without thirst. Also drink plenty of fluids and keep cool. A fever may often be accompanied by other symptoms so you are able to select other remedies based on the symptoms that may accompany the fever for example earache, sore throat or headache. These can be found at Eugenie Rowson’s Remedy Shoppe.

For more information on how to treat and prevent ailments naturally, read about Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Remedies on www.theremedyshoppe.co.za or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg. There’s a remedy for that!