Digestive Disorders include anything that causes pain or discomfort stemming from our digestive system. This includes conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Reflux (GERD), Celiac Disease, Chrones Disease, Ulcers, Haemorrhoids, Constipation and more.
Digestive Disorders
In recent years studies have shown that digestive disorders are on the rise and people are spending thousands on medication, operations and consultations to curb their discomfort. So why is this? and what can we do to stop it?
The Microbiome
Scientists now say that the collected microorganisms in our digestive system is more than a processing factory for food, but have in fact termed it the “second brain”. Makes sense since we associate the gut with raw, instinctive emotions and reactions (gut reactions). Read more about gut flora here. We know that if we’re stressed or anxious, this will be the first place we show symptoms of it. If this Microbiome is unbalanced with too much “bad” bacteria, our entire bodies become out of sync. Experts contribute this imbalance in our digestive systems to high levels of stress and anxiety in our current society, an obsessively hygienic culture and most importantly our diets.
A Scientist in the UK ate McDonald’s for 10 days, giving a stool sample before and after. In the short time period, the junk food had dramatically reduced the diversity of his microbiome by 40%, and replaced “good” bacteria with those that can cause inflammation. These inflammatory causing bacteria are responsible for many diseases and ailments humans are then subjected to.
Pesticides, Herbicides and GMO’s.
Not only is processed food to blame but what is of major concern are the herbicides and pesticides sprayed onto all of our food as well as Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods. These harmful chemicals cause damage to our digestive microbiomes, and also lead to diseases such as leaky gut and cancer. It is no wonder there has been a rise of digestive disorders given the harmful chemicals that are on and in our food.
Read more about how to balance out the intake of GMO foods here.
What can be done?
It is of no use treating a digestive disorders symptoms without addressing the underlying issues and cause. A holistic treatment approach is needed to treat any of the above ailments mentioned. This includes diet, exercise, stress management and perhaps even a change in lifestyle and seek a natural form of healing.
You may be wondering then how you are able to avoid pesticides, herbicides and GMO free food. In this case it’s important to do your research and speak to a professional that can give you the right advice. We suggest that in order to correct your diet and treat the ill effects of these underlying issues, you book a personal appointment with Eugenie Rowson for a full analysis, biofeedback testing & treatment which will include specialised formulas to help you.
Avoiding GMO foods, increasing exercise and reducing (or managing) stress levels is vital in the natural treatment of the source of any digestive disorders.
For more information, read about Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Remedies or shop online at www.theremedyshoppe.co.za or visit The Remedy Shoppe in Douglasdale, Johannesburg.