The inability to get a good night’s sleep can dramatically affect an individual’s wellbeing, physically, mentally and emotionally. This has led to a number of sleep aid drugs emerging on the market which have an array of associated side effects. Fortunately, there are also a number of natural remedies for insomnia that have proven incredibly effective. Here are some of the best.
1. Herbal tea
There are a variety of teas available that provide much-needed insomniac relief when consumed before bedtime. Chamomile tea has, for thousands of years, been used as a sleep aid because of the flavonoid apigenin which has a calming effect on the brain. Another option is valerian tea, a herbal tea made from a compound that is found in many health food stores. According to a study done in Norway, valerian tea – or valerian taken in capsule form or as a tincture – helps one in 13 insomniacs get better sleep as well as decreasing the night-time wake ups. Passionflower tea is another warm brew that has been used to assist in sleep.
2. Take a hot bath
This is a very simple and effective insomniac remedy with the ideal bath temperature ranging from 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. A journal, Sleep, published a study which found an improvement in sleep for women who bathed for 90 to 120 minutes before bed.
Try Eugenie Rowsons Sleep Easy Formula
3. Set up a relaxing sleep environment
All parents are advised to set up a soothing sleep environment for their infants to help with a good night’s rest, but the same goes for adults. The first step is removing any digital clocks or electronics – cellphones, tablets and laptops are all out as the screen glow and noise is detrimental to sleep. A room temperature of about 19 degrees is generally optimum and it’s important to make sure your bed is comfortable. The mattress should not be too soft or too firm, likewise with pillows.
4. Get lighting right
Part of setting up the best sleep environment is getting the lighting just right. Dim the lights throughout the house before you sleep and ensure the room is dark when it’s time to fall asleep. Natural light throughout the day is also critical to an individual’s wellbeing so spend some time outdoors to get the body’s fix.
5. Some white noise
A white noise generator or even a fan or humidifier that provide a constant background hum can assist is masking interrupting noises, allowing for a consistent sleep.
6. Stick to your bedtime routine
Plan your bedtime ritual and, wherever possibly, keep to this routine. Listening to gentle music or reading something calming before bed will quiet the brain. It’s important to get into the rhythm of going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day.
7. Get some exercise
A must for any healthy lifestyle, exercise has also been proven to minimise anxiety and improve sleep. Yoga and tai chi, in particular, are great to do before bedtime while getting more rigorous exercise earlier in the day is beneficial.
8. Drink warm milk with honey
Milk has a sleep-inducing amino acid – tryptophan – which increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. This is a natural sedative which will assist in sleep while the honey sends the serotonin to the brain quicker. Eating bananas is also a good idea as it helps convert the tryptophan into serotonin.
9. Eliminate alcohol and caffeine
Both caffeine and alcohol are known to increase night-time urination which interrupts the sleep pattern. By eliminating both before bedtime – and replacing them with the herbal teas or milk and honey mentioned above – there is more chance of a decent night’s sleep.
10. Sleep Easy Formula
Eugenie Rowson Vibrational Remedies, supplies a natural remedy for insomnia and sleeplessness. This comes in an easy to use mouth spray that has no flavour and is therefore enjoyed by children. View Sleep Easy Formula. View vibrational remedies available to buy online at The Remedy Shoppe.
Call The Remedy Shoppe or book an appointment with Eugenie Rowson to optimise your health. 076 410 8262.
The Remedy Shoppe is based in Douglasdale, Johannesburg, South Africa. All products are available online at The Remedy Shoppe.