In 2013 – a well known radio presenter told us that 62% of all cases of personal bankruptcy that occurred in the USA that year, were due to medical bills! Imagine the statistic in 2018 and our South African scenario is very similar! To my mind, this is absolutely ludicrous and another crazy fact is that by now, most South Africans’ medical aid benefits for this year are drying up, or freezing over just in time for the bitter pill of winter.
Fourteen years ago, a family of two adults and five children were quoted R7 500 per month for medical aid cover. Instead, they opted for a basic hospital plan of approx. R2 000 per month and subsequently focused on keeping themselves healthy and fit, with a nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle and fitness. They self-treated the whole family for all ailments since then with remedies from The Remedy Shoppe at a cost of approx. R500 per month. This saved them approx. R5 000 per month x 168 months (14 years) representing a massive savings at of R840 000 (2004’s rate without factoring in compound interest) which they cleverly paid into their monthly bond!
Why opt for slavery to medical bills if you have the choice of saving a lot of precious money and your health with natural healing through our wide range of remedies. This original, cutting edge and wide range of remedies provides people with a desperately needed and comprehensive self-help system of healing which is a simple, affordable, powerful, non-toxic, safe and highly effective way to overcome hundreds of ailments – without harm (to your body or your bank account!)
Antibiotics, decongestants, anti-inflammatories and cortisone etc. aim to suppress (conceal) symptoms and may well bring on nasty side effects. Why not choose drugless, healthy alternatives and avoid the endless cycle of suppressive meds, doctor’s visits and sleepless nights by using natural remedies which actually encourage symptoms (which are your body’s deliberate healing efforts) to completion. Our remedies therefore help you through the battle (symptoms) to the victory – restoration of health!
Testimonial from a happy Mother :
Hi Genie
Leigh had been quite ill with high temperatures, croup & flu again & I started all the suitable remedies including the Fever & inflammation formula, Cold, flu & viral infection formula and the croup one ASAP and I’ve never seen her recover so quickly!
The spray for fever gets the temperature down quicker than Calpol. She’s gotten over this in 2 full days – Amazing!
Thank you so much
Coughs? Cold? Problem solved…..try our best seller winter formulas:
Cold, flu & viral infection formula
Tonsillitis, sore throat formula
Sinusitis, rhinitis, post nasal drip formula
Cough – dry formula
Cough – wet phlegmy formula
Immunity support formula
Anti bacterial infection formula
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