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Suppression or encouragement of symptoms – which one?

Whilst we are well, our bodies are busy co-ordinating and managing something like 600 trillion electromagnetic instructions at any one moment in time – pretty brilliant I’d say! And why is it that when we are well and everything is going swimmingly, and we feel great, do we naturally accept the body’s genius ability to get things organised and done? And yet, the minute we notice symptoms of illness, such as in a cold or flu, we immediately think that the body suddenly doesn’t know what it is doing and that our symptoms of illness such as a runny nose, cough, fever, headache, fatigue are all mistakes or errors!

This is the philosophy of Mainstream/ Western medicine (Ms/Wm) which holds that all symptoms are illness are the body’s errors and must be suppressed. Symptoms as seen as the disease and must be eliminated. Suppression by the way, means camouflage, contain, discourage, restrain, oppose, control, conquest, destroy, overthrow, subdue, clampdown, hush-up, keep under wraps, squash!
On the contrary, Vibrational Medicine (VM) recognises that symptoms of sickness are the genius efforts / healing mechanisms that the body deliberately creates to bring itself back into order. Therefore a healing system of medicine must be able to efficiently and effectively stimulate and encourage these SYMPTOMS of the body towards final completion of healing. In other words, you have to have a battle (symptoms) to achieve a victory (restoration of health / no more symptoms).
Here are some examples:

Fever :
Ms/Wm : the body is making a mistake and therefore an ANTI-pyretic drug will be prescribed to reduce/stop the fever (the mistake). Each time the fever returns …
another and another ANTI-pyretic must be taken!


VM : the body is deliberately increasing the temperature to overcome a harmful pathogen (such as a virus eg flu or parasite eg malaria) and a remedy will be given to ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT the genius body’s effort and to make the fever (healing mechanism) as efficient and effective as possible. The symptoms will then stop when healing is achieved …
no more remedy needed.

Vomiting :
Ms/Wm : the body is making a stupid mistake and therefore an ANTI-emetic drug will be prescribed to prevent or arrest the vomiting (the mistake). Each time the vomiting returns …
another and another ANTI-emetic must be taken!
VM : the body is deliberately removing toxic food / drink / bile / pathogens etc. from the stomach as fast as possible to reduce its poisoning effect on the rest of the body and a remedy will be given to ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT the genius body’s effort and to make the fever (healing mechanism) as efficient and effective as possible. Hydration support will also be given.
The symptoms will then stop when healing is achieved …
no more remedy needed.

Inflammation :

Ms/WM : the body is faulty and therefore an ANTI-inflammatory drug will be prescribed to inhibit or arrest the inflammation (the mistake). Each time the inflammation returns …
another and another ANTI-inflammatory must be taken – sometimes for many years and with lots of nasty side effects!
VM : the body is deliberately sending healing / increased heat, blood flow, nutrients etc to an area and a remedy will be given to ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT the genius body’s effort and to make the inflammation (healing mechanism) as efficient and effective as possible.
The symptoms will then stop when healing is achieved …
no more remedy needed.


It is very important to realise that Mainstream medicine works brilliantly for suppression and therefore should be used where suppression is the best choice e.g. After severe injury where an arm is hanging off (and this is clearly an error!) then suppressive medicine would be most appropriate for suppressing shock, wakefulness, pain, bleeding etc so that emergency assistance can be given, surgery performed and thereby order restored. However, because mainstream medicine is brilliant during crisis, injury and repair, we must be careful NOT to automatically credit this same system of medicine for being effective for sickness. Symptoms of sickness are not a lesser state of injury.

And so, which system of medicine is best? Well, we have just figured out that suppressive (ANTI) medicine is best in cases of crisis, injury and repair where suppression of symptoms is appropriate because the symptoms are actual errors. It is also best for palliative care where healing is impossible. Vibrational Medicine is appropriate in cases of sickness where SYMPTOMS ARE ENCOURAGED because they are understood as the deliberate and brilliant activities of the body to bring itself back to order, balance and health. Choose wisely!

Here are some great remedies to take in place of suppressive medicines:

Allergies & Hayfever Formula

Headache & Migraine Formula

Lower Back Pain, Sciatica & Stiffness Formula

Joint Pain & Stiffness Formula

Sinusitis, Rhinitis & Postnasal Drip Formula

Abdominal Cramps & Spasms Formula

Asthma & Wheezy Cough Formula

And here’s an infection we should pass on…
Smiling is infectious,
but it’s definitely not the flu,
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I walked around the corner,
and someone saw my grin,
and as he smiled I realized,
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
and I understood its worth,
a single smile, just like mine,
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don’t leave it undetected
let’s start an epidemic, quick,
let’s get the world infected!
(Author unknown)

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