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Sepia- natural remedy for exhausted women!

My favourite women’s remedy; and I always say that if I could take only one remedy with me to a desert island, it would definitely be Sepia. Ironically enough, though, I wouldn’t need to take this remedy with me, because this is the one remedy that I would be able to make myself because it is made from the ink of the cuttlefish, and is a thick brown dye that was used in the olden days by artists and photographers for painting and photography.


It is a wonderful women’s remedy (for all ages and for any time of life – including pregnancy). Just imagine the emotions of a woman stranded on a desert island – loneliness, depression, a need for company, moodiness – yet loving the solitude; lots of fears – of losing control, of going mad; lots of tears and irritability, anger, feeling worn-out and unable to cope; feeling like giving up; dislike of the cold (while sleeping under a coconut tree!).

In this hectic world where women have to do a juggling act with all the demands of family, work and home, I know there are millions of women out there who would benefit from Sepia.

Sepia: Uses and Effectiveness

Sepia will help with numerous weaknesses, disorders and ailments, and you can choose it even if only one of these descriptions matches how you feel :

• lots of emotional issues and moodiness, including sadness, depression, overwhelm, tearfulness, irritability; aggressive moods; she is easily offended, snappy,angry and argumentative (especially with husband and children and other family members) – This amazing women’s remedy has also saved many a relationship and marriage.
• feels over-burdened, desperate, unable to cope – that she is losing her mind – with a desire to run away from it all!
• indifferent to her loved ones; is averse to her job and everything that infringes on her sense of independence and identity;
• Fear is also a prominent emotion – the fear of going mad, of having some incurable dis-ease, or of impending doom!
• totally exhausted after prolonged stress and strain – tired and worn out, especially in the afternoons;
• swelling of the knees;
• restless legs;
• varicose veins;
• nauseous, with an intoxicated feeling – especially in the morning, before eating or when smelling food;
• constipation with abdominal bloating;
• heart palpitations;
• increase in blood pressure
• headaches with dizziness,
• hair loss;
• prolapsed organs including bladder and uterus with a clutching pain or bearing-down sensation in the bladder, vagina and uterine area;
• irregular periods that may be either late and light, or early and profuse with violent stitching pains in the vagina or vaginal pain or dryness;
• recurring cystitis; weak bladder (worse for coughing or sneezing)
• poor sleep – restless and unrefreshing;
• low libido and cannot stand to be touched;
• feels invigorates by exercise and possible loves a glass of wine (or three!)
• aches and pain in the hips, lower back and thighs; hot flushes with sweating;
• intolerance of the cold, feeling of chilliness, poor circulation, with cold hands and feet; (Raynaud’s dis-ease)


Buy Sepia Remedy Online

Goodness me – why would you not want a bottle!
(Easy to use mouth sprays – Take six times daily to get you back to your “normal” happy self!

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