All the remedies in our Symphony range are available online at
Abdominal cramps & spasms formula Helps to relieve stomach cramps and spasms, indigestion, agonising pain in the abdomen, and pains associated with digestive disorders.
Abscess, boils & sepsis formula For abscesses, boils, putrid ulcers and septic conditions occurring anywhere on the body, often accompanied by severe pain and infection. Promotes the rapid healing of tissue and helps to reduce scarring.
Acidity formula Helps to reduce excess acidity and acidic conditions within the body. Promotes pH balance within the body and assists with conditions such as joint pain, stiffness, rheumatism, fatigue, heartburn and reflux, food cravings and digestion disorders.
Acne, pimples & spots formula Helps to treat chronic and acute skin conditions; improves hormonal balance and digestion disorders, and reduces toxicity which may be associated with skin problems, especially acne on the face, neck, shoulders and back, and spots anywhere on the body. This formula helps to detoxify the skin, which is the largest detoxing organ in the body.
ADD formula Use this formula to improve symptoms associated with ADD such as restlessness, shyness, poor concentration and dreaminess, dullness, disinterest in life, vagueness, forgetfulness, listlessness, indifference. Person cannot collect thoughts. May be lacklustre and apathetic. This formula promotes concentration and focus.
ADHD formula This formula assists with symptoms associated with ADHD such as impulsiveness, restlessness, distractibility, hyperactivity, short attention span, concentration difficulty, precocious, impulsivity, capriciousness, weak self control, cannot stop themselves from interrupting, bossy, dictatorial, behaves like a tyrant, wants their own way, selfish, angry, irritable, loud, impulsive, overbearing, impatient, difficulty sitting still in class or waiting in line, fidgety, has temper tantrums, throws things, displays a violent temper. May have learning difficulties, or be unresponsive and dull. This formula promotes a sense of calm, concentration and mental focus.
Allergies & hayfever formula Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with allergies and hayfever, such as sneezing; puffy, scratchy or streaming eyes; blocked or runny nose; sore throat, headaches and tiredness. Helps to improve a person’s tolerance to allergens/irritants in the environment, especially during the change of season. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.
Anger, rage & irritability formula Use this formula to relieve feelings associated with anger such as rage, frustration, irritability, being on edge and feeling harassed and harried. Promotes a sense of peace, serenity and calm.
Anxiety, worry and fears formula This formula helps to relieve and overcome overwhelming and deeply ingrained feelings of anxiety and worry, unfounded fears, insecurity, fear of the unknown, nervousness and phobias. Promotes enthusiasm, a sense of fun, emotional calm and wellbeing, revitalisation and joyfulness.
Asthma & wheezy cough formula Use this formula to relieve shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, laboured breathing, wheezing, spasmodic cough, where the chest feels tight & constricted.
Bites, stings, puncture wounds formula For insect bites & stings, bee stings, wasp stings and puncture wounds. Helps to relieve burning, stinging pain and inflammation. Includes Rescue Remedy for shock as well as various well-indicated skin-healing remedies. May be sprayed directly onto wound in acute cases to promote rapid healing. Do not spray onto an open wound.
Bladder, urinary disorders & bedwetting formula For bladder and urinary disorders such as weak bladder, incontinence and bedwetting. Also assists with pain and symptoms related to a prolapsed bladder.
Bleeding disorders, nosebleed and bruising formula Assists with overcoming any disorder which includes excessive bleeding, such as menstrual bleeding, bleeding from the bowel or haemorrhoids, or bleeding after injury or surgery. NOTE: In the homeopathic form, the remedies in this potentised formula work to CORRECT bleeding disorders and do not CAUSE bleeding like some of the herbal medications under the same names.
Blood sugar regulation formula Assists with blood sugar regulation and improves pancreatic functioning, in conjunction with a controlled diet. Helps to lower and stabilise blood sugar levels.
Bone density formula Assists with symptoms of osteopaenia and osteoporosis.Speeds up and encourages bone healing, growth and regeneration; improves bone strength and density and elasticity; assists with brittle bones; also works to correct acid conditions and reduces acidity which often contribute to the loss of bone density.
Bone pain, fracture & injury formula Helps to reduce any type of bone pain. Encourages the rapid, complete healing of fractures, and relieves aches and pains felt deep in the bones which may accompany other ailments, and after an old injury. Helps to promote healing and bone strength.
Breathing difficulties formula Assists with breathing difficulties and related symptoms such as shortness of breath, a feeling of suffocation, panting, difficulty in getting enough air and a tight chest.
Burning feet formula For burning, stinging, painful feet and lower legs, such as those conditions commonly experienced amongst diabetics. Flashes of heat, a burning sensation, burning soles and tops of the feet and lower legs. Burning may be accompanied by itching.
Calm, joy & golden light formula For highly emotional, stressed-out states, where people are on edge, or ‘living on their nerves’. Encourages emotional calm, gives a sense of sunshine and joy. Soothes and encourages enthusiasm for life. Promotes a sense of relaxation. Helps one to feel safe and nurtured. Calms the busy-ness of one’s head.
Candida, thrush & fungal infection formula For fungal infections, athlete’s foot, vaginal and oral thrush; also helps to counteract the ill-effects of taking antibiotics.
Clenching jaws & grinding teeth formula Promotes calm and a profound sense of relaxation; helps to reduce the clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth associated with tension, irritability and restlessness. Assists with parasites which may contribute to the cause. Soothes and improves tension and irritability.
Cold, flu & viral infection formula Take at the first sign or colds, flu and any viral infection to relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. Can also be taken as a prophylactic to strengthen immunity and resistance to colds, flu and viral infections.
Colic & reflux formula For colic, acid reflux, indigestion, abdominal cramps and spasms in infants and babies. Restores calm and balance to the digestive system. Helps to soothe crying and emotional distress, irritability and anger associated with colic.
Confidence, self-esteem booster formula Helps to promote confidence and improved self-esteem in young and old alike. Helps with feelings of self-repression, self-doubt and lack of personal power. Promotes peace of mind, self-acceptance, self-approval, revitalisation, joyfulness, interest in life, and belief in oneself.
Constipation formula Helps to relieve constipation in babies, children and adults. Assists with painful or unsuccessful urging; dry, hard stools; painful stools. Straining during stool; unfinished sensation. For those who may go for days without an urge to move the bowels. Effective after long habit of taking laxatives. Also assists with pain and disorders relating to a prolapsed rectum, and compacted faeces associated with prolapse. Can be used with the Haemorrhoids formula where haemorrhoids and/or rectal fissures occur.
Cough formula – dry cough Helps to ease a spasmodic, painful, tight burning chest, where it is difficult to cough up phlegm. Chest is constricted, accompanied by an irritating dry cough. Cough may also be described as hard, raspy, wracking, hacking, tight or tickling.
Cough formula – wet, phlegmy cough Relieves loose coughs where phlegm is easy to cough up. Phlegm may rattle in the chest. There is a tendency to cough up phlegm and swallow or spit it out.
Creativity & inspiration formula Assists with creative visualisation, eases writer’s block, gives artistic inspiration, promotes the flow of new ideas.
Croup & hoarseness formula Relieves a dry, barking, cough in babies and children, loss of voice, hoarseness, which may be accompanied by a suffocating cough.
Cystitis & urinary tract infection formula For recurring cystitis, bladder and urinary tract infection, possibly including fever. Assists with burning, stinging, painful urination, which may be accompanied by radiating pains in the lower back and down the legs.
Depression formula For feelings of melancholy, gloom and hopeless despair. Assists those overcome with the feeling of a cloud across their sun. Promotes a sense of emotional calm, enthusiasm and general emotional wellbeing. Heightens the sense of joy and interest in life.
Detox formula Assists with blood purification and kidney, liver, gallbladder and lymph drainage, allowing these organs to function optimally. Encourages the rebuilding of tissue and detoxification of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system. Very effective after overindulgence in rich foods and alcohol, and taking excess medication. Promotes general health and wellbeing.
Diarrhoea formula For all symptoms of food poisoning and diarrhoea, including those associated with gastric flu and gastroenteritis. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal. May also be used as a preventative measure for travellers and when a gastric bug is doing the rounds at school or in the office.
Digestion & IBS formula For symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon, such as bloating, distention, cramps and spasms, diarrhoea and constipation. Restores balance to the digestive system.
Dizziness & motion sickness formula For symptoms of motion sickness such as dizziness, vertigo and noises in the ears with tinnitus, which may be accompanied by nausea and anxiety.
Dry skin formula Assists with symptoms associated with excessively dry skin such as cracked, chapped, scaly, sometimes burning skin, including lips, heels and around the fingernails.
Earache, inflammation & infection formula For symptoms of earache and ear infection, which may be accompanied by severe pain, inflammation and/or discharge from the ears. Assists with blocked Eustachian tubes, glue ear, and all ear troubles. Ears may be blocked, with throbbing noises and deafness, possibly accompanied by fever. Excruciating pain and infection of the middle and /or outer ear. Ear infection may also be accompanied by glandular swelling.
Electro-pollution antidote formula Living in a modern world, most of us are regularly exposed to harmful radiation which impacts on our total wellbeing. This formula is a potentised solution of various homeopathic remedies known to assist the body with the elimination of harmful radiation including gamma ray radiation, mobile telephone radiation, microwave radiation, X-ray radiation and computer terminal radiation, as well as harmful electromagnetic exposure. Left unchecked, this electro-pollution may accumulate and lead to various disorders. Recommended to be taken every six months and more often where exposure is high.
Exam stress & stage fright formula For symptoms of exam stress, stage fright, performance anxiety, nervousness before a speech or presentation. Promotes calm, clear-headedness, focus and mental clarity.
Eye infection, conjunctivitis & stye formula For all eye disorders which may include inflammation, infection, redness, discharge and watering, allergic irritation, pain and discomfort, styes and conjunctivitis / pink eye. Symptoms be accompanied by discharge of pus where eye is glued or stuck together. Also helps to reduce light sensitivity.
Fever & inflammation formula Use this formula at the first sign of symptoms of fever with or without thirst. Also drink plenty of fluids and keep cool. A fever may often be accompanied by other symptoms. Select other remedies based on the symptoms that may accompany the fever (eg earache, sore throat, etc). NOTE: Fever is a natural healing mechanism which should never be suppressed, but rather encouraged and completed in order to promote healing. A raised body temperature is the body’s attempt to destroy harmful micro-organisms and bring itself back into balance. Always seek the help of a professional health provider if the temperature is higher than 39 degrees C.
Fever blister, cold sore, mouth ulcer formula Use at first sign of symptoms of fever blisters, cold sores and/or mouth ulcers.
Foot & heel pain formula Helps to reduce all symptoms of underfoot and heel pain, such as where there is pain in the bones of the feet and ankles, aching in the Achilles tendon, pain in the balls of the feet upon stepping, bone spurs, a feeling of walking on sharp stones or nails, stitching pains between the metatarsals, and pinched heels upon stepping.
Fibroid formula Assists with reduction and re-absorption of uterine fibroids, which may be causing prolonged heavy menstrual periods, severe bleeding and iron deficiency (anaemia), bladder discomfort, and may also be linked to miscarriage or infertility disorders.
Gout formula Helps to ease all symptoms of gout including severe swelling and/or pain, most commonly found in the big toe and other joints such as the knee, ankle, wrist, foot. Joints may be red, swollen and extremely tender. Pain can be excruciating, always worse for touch. Sudden onset of symptoms may be accompanied by mild fever. This formula also helps to reduce high levels of uric acid which contribute to gout.
Grief, shock & trauma formula Helps to ease shock and grief after loss of love, heartbreak, tragedy, retrenchment. Also assists during periods of bereavement and loss, such as moving home, immigration, etc. Promotes and encourages emotional healing after any type of loss, trauma or disappointment.
Growing pains formula This formula helps torelieve aches, pains and throbbing in the limbs of children and teenagers. Pain is often worse in the late afternoon or early evening. Sometimes the pain awakens a child in the middle of the night.
Haemorrhoids formula Use this formula to relieve haemorrhoids/piles, anal or rectal fissures and associated bleeding. May be accompanied by severe pain, itching and bleeding.
Hangover & detox formula For use after over-indulgence in food and alcohol. Use as a prophylactic to support optimal liver function.
Headache & migraine formula For relief of most common types of headache and migraine, including pain in the neck, jaw and eye areas. Assists with severe migraine pain, which may include nausea, vomiting, severe light and sound sensitivity, with visual and sensory disturbances.
Hormonal balance formula This remedy for women promotes hormonal balance in teenage girls and women, thus improving both emotional balance and physical wellbeing. Helps to correct infertility, especially after prolonged use of artificial hormones.
Immunity support formula A high-potency immune booster to support and stimulate all areas of wellbeing, boost resistance to illness and strengthen the immune system.
Injury rescue formula For use after all types of injury (blows, crushing, bruising, deep tissue, sprains, strains and tears etc) as well as after surgery to promote healing and recovery.
Joint pain & stiffness formula (arthritis) For pain & stiffness, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, sprains & strains, and inflammation. Improves mobility and flexibility, and promotes healing.
Joy & abundance formula Elevates one from a fear of poverty to a feeling of joy, wellbeing and abundance; helps to ease excessive fear of being unsupported by life andunable to provide for life’s necessities. Opens one up to abundance and pleasure.
Kidney disorders formula This formula assists with all symptoms related to kidney disorders such as kidney infections, kidney stones, granulation and calcification in the kidneys, kidney toxicity (such as after excess use of medication), severe pain and inflammation in the lower back and kidney region, possible radiating around the abdominal, hip and groin area. May be accompanied by joint pains, pain in the balls of the feet and headache, as well as frequent urination and/or a sense of incomplete urination. Promotes kidney drainage (detoxification), helps to regulate blood pressure, and assists with swelling of the hands, feet and legs. Supports and promotes optimal functioning of the kidneys and bladder. Also assists in promoting and supporting the optimal functioning of the kidneys and bladder.
Liver & gallbladder disorders formula Improves liver and gallbladder function by promoting detoxification of the liver and gallbladder. Relieves symptoms associated with gallstones. Helps to clear the blood of poisonous substances and toxins. Assists with recovery after periods of overindulgence. Reduces the severity of symptoms during, and speeds up recovery after liver-related illnesses, such as jaundice and hepatitis, as well as after the excessive use of medication.
Lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness formula For chronic and acute lower back pain & stiffness and sciatica, which may be accompanied by tearing, shooting pains down the thighs. Improves mobility, flexibility, promotes healing. Helps to loosen and reduce pain and stiffness in the lower back and spinal area.
Memory, concentration & mental clarity formula Improves both short- and long-term memory, concentration & mental clarity, promotes mental focus, information recall and clear thinking. Helps to improve a short attention span. An excellent remedy to use when studying and writing exams. Especially beneficial to schoolchildren, students, executives and the elderly to assist with information recall and retention.
Menopausal symptoms formula This formula improves symptoms associated with menopause such as low sexual desire, irritability & mood swings, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, restless sleep, headaches. Promotes hormonal balance and emotional stability during the change of life.
Menstrual disorders formula This formula helps to improve symptoms associated with menstrual disorders such as the absence of menstruation, excessively heavy or light bleeding, spotting, severe uterine or abdominal cramps and spasms, debilitating pain during menstruation, fibroids, endometriosis, as well as pain and disorders associated with a prolapsed uterus.
Metabolism boost formula This formula is potentised with various homeopathic remedies known to assist with improving pituitary and thyroid function, metabolism and digestion, and absorption of nutrients, and therefore assists with weight loss and reduces cravings and disordered appetite.
Nail disorders formula Assists with all nail disorders such as lifting nails, crippled nails, thickened, misshapen and deformed nails, ridged nails and associated fungal infections. Promotes healthy, strong hair and nails.
Nappy rash formula Helps to soothe diaper and nappy rash, chapped skin, stinging, burning skin and associated thrush and fungal infection.
Nausea & vomiting formula This fast-acting formula helps to relieve nausea and vomiting, including ‘morning sickness’ during pregnancy. Helps to ease biliousness and the feeling of needing to vomit, which may be accompanied by excessive salivation and a strong, metallic taste in the mouth.
Neck & shoulder tension formula A potentised solution of various homeopathic remedies known to relieve tightness in the neck and shoulder area, muscular inflammation, spasms, rigid muscles, reduce pain, as well as provide relief for headaches that accompany pulled strained, or strained muscles, ligaments and tendons in this area.
Numbness & tingling in extremities formula This formula assists with numbness, tingling, pins and needles, or a feeling of deadness (loss of sensation) in the extremities, including the fingers, toes, feet, etc. Helps to ease all types of neuralgias and shooting pains relating to crushed nerves and neural disorders, as well as injury involving crushed nerves. Encourages and supports the healing of injured or disordered nerves.
Pain & inflammation formula Inflammation is an essential part of the body’s natural response to injury and infection and should NEVER be suppressed. This formulation therefore encourages and supports one’s own healing mechanisms. Provides relief from most types of chronic and acute pain including throbbing, tearing, radiating, cramping, constricting, pulling, tightening, bruised, pinching and stabbing pain. Promotes healing of inflammation characterised by swelling, redness, heat, pain in the tissues, which may be caused by chemical or physical injury anywhere in or on the body.
Panic disorders formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with the sudden onset of panic and panic attacks, severe anxiety, and fears such as the fear of dying or of losing control. Symptoms may include breathing difficulty, heart palpitations, chest pains, dizziness, sweating, trembling, faintness, vertigo, hyperventilation, digestion disorders and sensory disturbances such as pins and needles. This formula assists with adrenal fatigue and encourages potassium balance, bringing about a sense of calm, peace and order, and of being back in control.
Peace & serenity formula Encourages a sense of peace and emotional calm. Soothes and encourages serenity, tranquility and mental stillness. Promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being.
Perspiration excess formula Helps with symptoms associated with profuse sweating / excessive perspiration anywhere on the face, head or body – may affect localised areas or the entire body; Symptoms may include sticky, sweaty hands and feet, excessive perspiration independent of physical effort; sticky perspiration that is difficult to eliminate from the armpits; night sweats for no apparent reason. Sweating disrupts daily routine. Perspiration may be accompanied by unpleasant skin odour.
PMS formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with PMS such as headache, fatigue, moodiness and mood swings, depression, tension and irritability, food cravings, tearfulness, breast tenderness, bloatedness, etc. Can be taken every day or when needed to help encourage hormonal balance.
Prostate & urinary disorders formula A remedy for men. This formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with prostate and urinary disorders, such as frequent or difficult urination, scanty, intermittent or insufficient flow, a never-done feeling, constant desire to urinate, especially at night. Addresses symptoms associated with prostate enlargement such as impotence or loss of sexual power.
Quit-smoking support formula This formula antidotes the ill-effects and addictive influence of nicotine in the body. Helps to reduce the physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms related to giving up smoking, including severe irritability, short-temperedness, anger, wretchedness, and intolerance of noises, light and strong odours. Person may reproach others, be fault-finding and sullen. Assists with the process of detoxification during and after giving up smoking. Also helps to reduce excessive hunger and cravings.
Reflux, heartburn & indigestion formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion, such as burning acidity, acidity rising in the oesophagus causing a tickling cough, as well as discomfort and pain in the stomach and digestive tract. May be accompanied by the regurgitation of acid fluid from the stomach into the oesophagus. This formula helps to restore calm and balance to the digestive system.
Rescue formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with anxiety, panic and trauma. Use in any emergency or highly stressful or emotionally charged situation. Can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful or traumatic situation.
Restless legs formula Assists with the sensation of needing to keep the legs in constant motion, possible lameness, restlessness, weakness trembling, twitching, and a need to continuously move and shift the feet and legs. Person cannot keep still. Restlessness may be accompanied by unsteadiness of the muscles. Symptoms are often worse in evening, after dinner and at night. NOTE: Restless legs syndrome is related to depletion of zinc in the body. To maximise the effectiveness of this formula, take together with a Zinc & Selenium supplement.
Ringworm formula Provides relief and promotes healing of any circular, itchy red skin rash on the skin that appears in isolated patches.
Scar tissue, keloids & stretchmarks formula This formula contains remedies known to promote elasticity throughout the body, reduce the severity of scarring and reduce the formation of stretchmarks. Helpful in preventing and reducing keloid scarring. NOTE: The development of scar tissue is our skin’s natural response to an injury, burn, cut, scratch, bite or even acne. Scarring is a natural part of the healing process. Every wound (eg after an accident, disease or surgery) results in some degree of scarring.
Sinusitis, rhinitis & postnasal drip formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis (runny nose), congestion and postnasal drip, as well as severe pain in the sinus and facial area (brows, around eyes, cheekbones). Symptoms may be accompanies by sneezing, nasal discharge and sore throat.
Skin disorders, eczema & psoriasis formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema and related skin disorders. Symptoms may include thickened patches of skin; red, scaly, itchy, inflamed skin; scales; flaking, oozing, blistering, crusty or herpetic eruptions; cradle cap; pustules, blisters; intolerable itching anywhere on the body; swelling; rough, raw and scaly skin.
Skin rash formula Helps to relieve itchy, allergic skin rashes, bumps, urticaria/hives, dermatitis, etc. Itching can be severe and persistent, and symptoms may be worse at night.
Sleep easy & sweet dreams formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sleeplessness, insomnia and an overactive mind at bedtime or during the night. This formula is gentle enough for infants, strong enough for hyper-stressed executives and exhausted new moms. This formula contains a combination of remedies known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and is particularly indicated to assist with restless sleep; anxious dreams and much tossing about; sleeplessness caused by much mental activity and night terrors. Well-suited to the over-tired, overworked, exhausted or the over-anxious, who simply can’t switch off and rest.
Sprains & strains formula This formula contains a range of remedies known to promote speedy recovery after any injury including sprains, strains, dislocation, and muscular wear and tear. Helps to relieves all symptoms brought on after a strain, over-lifting, tear or twist to any fibrous connective tissue of the body, including joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, such as in the neck, back, hips, knees and extremities. All pain is better for rest, rubbing, warmth and gentle motion.
Stress, exhaustion & burnout formula For symptoms of exhaustion, burnout, mental and physical fatigue and exhaustion after prolonged stress. Assists with feelings of being overwhelmed, low energy levels, exhaustion and burnout. Improves adrenal function and the ability to cope with and respond to everyday stress. Promotes a sense of enthusiasm, renews enthusiasm and interest in life, and helps to restore emotional stability.
Sugar regulation formula This formula is potentised with various homeopathic remedies known to assist with maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, resulting in more energy, less fatigue, fewer food cravings, more stable moods, better concentration and stronger immunity.
Thyroid regulation formula This formula contains various well-indicated remedies known to assist with maintaining thyroid regulation. Assists with symptoms relating to an under/over-active thyroid including fatigue, weight loss or gain, hair loss, digestive disorders, disordered menstruation, fatigue and exhaustion, poor temperature regulation, sleep disorders, anxiety and palpitations.
Toothache & abscess formula For throbbing pain in the teeth and gums; extremely painful toothache. Person may be driven to distraction from the pain; displays great irritability, anger and impatience. Pains may be shooting or neuralgic in nature. Promotes healing of any type of abscess or infection, and reduces sensitivity or pain in the teeth, gums or jaw.
Sunstroke & sunburn formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sunstroke, such as sunburn, blistering and dehydration.
Teething troubles formula For throbbing pain in the teeth and gums; extremely painful toothache. Person may be driven to distraction from the pain; displays great irritability, anger and impatience. This formula helps to relieve all symptoms associated with teething such as pain, inflammation of gums, irritability, sleeplessness, constipation or diarrhoea, fever and poor appetite.
Tinnitus formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with noises in the ears such as buzzing, shrieking, ringing, clicking, humming, whizzing, whirring, roaring, rushing, etc.
Tonsillitis & sore throat formula Helps to relieve symptoms associated with tonsillitis and sore throat, such as severe pain, inflammation and infection, fever, enlarged tonsils, difficult swallowing, loss of appetite. May be accompanied by swollen glands, runny nose, earache and other cold and flu symptoms.
Travellers’ disorders formula This formula consists of a combination of remedies to help with symptoms relating to travel, including mild nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, vertigo, sleep disorders or disturbances and jetlag.
Vaccination support formula This formula supports the immune system after a vaccination and assist with the ill-effects of vaccination such as pain, fever and inflammation; runny nose/nasal congestion; irritability, whining and tearfulness in babies and children; sleep disorders; loss of appetite; diarrhoea and digestion disorders; and flu-like symptoms.
Varicose & spider veins formula This formula assists with large, swollen, painful throbbing veins and broken capillary veins. Helps to return elasticity to the veins and arteries.
Venous congestion, ulceration formula This formula contains a combination of remedies known to assist with severe varicose veins accompanied by blotching and discolouration of the skin, bruising and haemorrhaging under the skin, poor circulation, poor blood flow through the veins causing broken skin and ulceration.
Vitality & enthusiasm (libido) formula Assists with symptoms associated with low libido and lack of sexual desire in both men and women. Promotes a healthy libido and renewed vigour, vitality and joie de vivre.
Voice-loss formula Helps to ease symptoms associated with laryngitis such as hoarseness, gruffness, loss of voice, pain and dryness in the larynx (voice box). Voice may be deep and croaky, sometimes accompanied by a tickling, irritating cough. Especially found in public speakers such as teachers and singers. Pain and rawness may be felt in the chest.
Warts & molluscums formula For all types of warts, molluscums (small, round, firm bumps on the skin), moles, skin tags and brown spots on the skin, found anywhere on the body.
Water retention / oedema formula This formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with water or fluid retention and swelling such as puffiness, swollen feet, legs and fingers, etc. This formula contains remedies known to promote water balance within the body.
Weeping wounds & sores formula This formula promotes healing of all types of wounds and sores including bed sores, and wounds and sores that ooze liquid and pus and take a long time to heal.
Worms & parasites formula This formula assists in promoting intestinal health and the body’s elimination of parasites and worms. Should be taken at the change of every season (in SA we really only have two seasons – summer and winter) by the whole family, including pets, to promote optimal intestinal health and wellbeing. Unburdens the liver and essential organs, thereby improving general health and wellbeing.
Sports range
Homeopathy provides a drug-free solution for athletes. It offers fast, safe and all-natural results for recovery from athletic injuries, muscle enhancement, and improved sports performance. Homeopathy activates the body’s inner abilities to heal and restore. Homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and are completely safe with no unwanted side effects. After herbal medicine, homeopathy is the second most widely used health care system in the world.
Sports anxiety & tension formula Assists with anticipatory fears, nervousness and tension before a sporting event, race or competition. Improves self-confidence and assists with performance anxiety.
Sports injury & recovery formula Helps to reduce fatigue after strenuous exercise and competition, especially during contact sports. Promotes speedy recovery after strenuous exercise, sprains and strains, bruising, injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints, as well as possible concussion. Assists with recovery on both a physical and a mental level after excessive strain.
Sports fatigue & lactic acid build-up formula Use after strenuous physical activity to prevent and reduce lactic-acid build-up, dehydration and general muscle stiffness and related pain.
Sports mind & body preparation formula Encourages emotional calm, focus and clarity before physical challenges/competition. Promotes vitality and encourages mental focus and concentration. Helps to prevent mental and physical fatigue and burn-out during the sporting season. Also helps to overcome mental negativity and improve confidence. Reduces fear of failure and assists with performance anxiety.
Sports sprains & strains formula This formula helps to encourage and speed up healing and recovery after over-lifting, over-training, sprains, strains, tears, twists or pulls, torn or pulled muscles, traumatic injuries to the ligaments, tendons or cartilage, dislocations, deep tissue injury, pain and tenderness under the heel or sole – especially in sportspeople, and aching pain in the Achilles tendon. All pain feels better for rest, changing position and gentle motion, warmth, rubbing and stretching out the limbs.
Pet range
After herbal medicine, homeopathy is the second most widely used health care system in the world and it works just as effectively in the healing of animals as it does for healing humans. Homeopathic medicines are completely safe and have no unwanted side effects. Many vets around the world use homeopathy in the treatment of their furry and feathered patients. Homeopathic remedies are easy to administer, affordable and can help animals with physical, mental and emotional conditions.
Pet Rescue & calm formula Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with anxiety, panic and trauma. Use in any emergency or highly stressful or emotionally charged situation. Can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful or traumatic situation. Contains Aconitum, Rescue Remedy, Kali Phos and Flower remedies including Kukui, Purple Nightshade, Red Suva Frangipani.
Pet allergy & skin disorders formula Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with allergies and allergic skin disorders such as sneezing; streaming eyes, itchy, allergic skin rashes, redness and inflammation of the skin, etc. Itching can be severe and persistent, and symptoms may be worse at night. This formula helps to improve the animal’s tolerance to allergens/irritants in the environment, especially during the change of season. By stimulating the force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony. Contains Rhus Tox, Nat Mur, Apis, Ars b, Berberis Aq, Graphites, Psorinum, Histaminum
Pet stiffness & joint pain formula Helps to loosen and reduce pain and stiffness in the lower back and spinal area. Relieves stiffness, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, sprains and strains, inflammation, as well as symptoms and pain related to hip dysplasia, especially in older animals and large-breed dogs and horses. Improves mobility and flexibility, reduces lameness and promotes healing. Contains Rhus T, Eupatorium Per, Bryonia, Formica, Ruta, Ferrum P
Pet gas & digestion formula Helps to relieve indigestion, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, distention, gas and foul flatulence associated with digestive disorders. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring the animal’s digestion to normal. Contains Lycopodium, Carbo veg, Nux V, Cuprum, Colocynthis, Nat Phos, Asafoetida.
Pet grief & pining formula Helps to ease shock and grief such as after the loss of a companion. Also assists during periods of trauma, such as the re-homing of an animal. Promotes and encourages emotional healing after any type of loss or trauma. Contains Ignatia, Flower remedies – Honeysuckle, Frangipani, Banksia, Eucalyptus, Kukui.
Pet wounds & sores formula This formula promotes healing of all types of wounds and sores including after an injury or bite from another animal, surgery, and weeping wounds and sores that ooze liquid and pus and take a long time to heal.