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From death to life with a jolt of electricity … and from sickness to health with Vibrational Medicine!

by Eugenie Rowson, February Newsletter 2013

We’ve just recently launched our brand new e-shop offering an extensive range of remedies that are made to order (ex UK or  Johannesburg) for worldwide  delivery.  No small feat judging by the number of empty Calm & Joy formulas on my desk! 

To express the unique and innovative character of my practice and that of our remedies which so many of you have come to trust, we think you will be excited to see that we have redefined ourselves under the new and innovative banner of  Vibrational Medicine!  Some of our distinctive qualities are highlighted below …

It’s electromagnetic!

As you well know, for hundreds of years homeopathic medicine has been made by taking an original substance from nature and leaving it to soak in an alcohol & water solution, filtering it and retaining alcohol & water solution.  This was then diluted hundreds of times and shaken vigorously between dilutions.  In fact, the solution becomes so dilute that nothing of the physical substance remains and yet the remedy is able to stimulate the body towards healing!  How is this possible? –  Because the vibration of the original (and often powerful) substance is transferred through the diluting and shaking process to the alcohol & water solution.  Brilliant!  Homeopathic medicine is therefore electromagnetic by nature – NOT chemical, molecular or physiological.

Sophisticated technology is used

More recently, some very clever people have developed a much more efficient way of making an electromagnetic medicine.  They have measured the vibration of thousands of original substances/elements including plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, herbs, flowers, biochemic tissue salts, gases, etc. as well as the frequency of colours, light, sound, gem stones and minerals, etc. and developed highly sophisticated technology whereby we can charge an alcohol and water solution electromagnetically to produce a solution that resonates at the same frequency as the original substance/element – we call  this Vibrational Medicine – this is our business!

The science of self-help homeopathy
remains as brilliant and effective
as ever, but a totally new and innovative
medicine has evolved!

From candles to electricity & light bulbs!

The evolution of homeopathic medicine to vibrational medicine, is a bit like progressing from candles to electricity and light bulbs! Candles were made from original substances, but once we had learnt more about producing light, a very different and more efficient method was developed to stimulate vision – electricity and light bulbs! Similarly, an entirely new method of creating an electromagnetic solution using the vibration of natural elements has been developed and has proved to be an extremely efficient means of stimulating specific and known healing mechanisms of the body.

It probably sounds as incomprehensible to you now, as electricity and light bulbs sounded to people way back then!  Nonetheless, it’s true – and it works!  Vibrational Medicine is the newest and most progressive system of healing medicine available today and is growing in popularity amongst natural health practitioners worldwide.  It is well understood that the human body is AT LEAST 100 times more sensitive to energetic stimulation than it is to chemical stimulation.

 “In all, vibrational medicine represents the next phase in the evolution of healing technology. It delivers powerful healing with no negative side effects and at very low cost. When fully embraced by the medical community, vibrational medicine will make chemicals and prescription drugs virtually obsolete.

When it comes to vibrational medicine, the science is already here: reliable studies prove its efficacy.”   Mike Adams, NaturalNews.

A quote from the Dark Ages that still rings true …

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation.” – *Herbert Spencer*.

It’s not so strange!

Conventional medicine can take us from death to life using a jolt of electricity, and now with our third millennium technology and understanding of energy and electromagnetic frequency, we have the means of going from sickness to health using Vibrational Medicine.

We offer an extensive range of formulas

Over the many years that I have been involved in self-help homoeopathy using Vibrational Medicine, I have never ceased to marvel at the endless number of disorders and dis-eases, both chronic and acute, that this incredible system of medicine is able to heal – rapidly, gently, effectively and permanently – without side effects!  I have had ample opportunity to put Vibrational Medicine to the test.  At home, I have used nothing but Vibrational remedies to self-treat every imaginable ailment that I, my husband and our five children have experienced.  Using Vibrational Medicine in my practice, I have assisted thousands of people with their health problems and encouraged thousands more to good health through the pages of my book : There’s a remedy for that! and monthly newsletter. Without a doubt, I feel confident that this experience has given me the invaluable understanding necessary to develop an extensive range of incredibly effective combination formulas for all sorts of ailments.

Improve your healthcare practice or family’s health

In this age of greater life expectancy, and yet increasing poor health and disillusionment with modern wonder drugs, people everywhere are desperately looking for safe and effective ways to improve their health and overcome their dis-eases. The science of Vibrational Medicine offers this solution. Vibrational Medicine stimulates the body, mind and emotion back to order – it cannot ‘treat’ illnesses or disease names – instead, it encourages healing of the whole person so that their system brings itself back to order, thereby correcting any dis-ease.  The use of our products for healing offers an affordable, gentle yet powerful, non-toxic, greener, safer and highly effective way to improve your healthcare practice or family’s health.

Benefits of our comprehensive range of Vibrational Medicine :

Mouth sprays – easy to use and has at least 300 sprays per bottle.

Great taste – every remedy solution has the same great taste which was formulated through years of practical experience by Founder and mother of five,  Eugenie Rowson.

Simple & easy to use.

200c potency – a stronger potency than most homeopathic remedies available.

Made to order – our remedies are made to order and do not sit on a shelf waiting to be purchased, ensuring freshness and efficacy.

Maestro range / single remedies – for the more discerning users of homeopathic medicine – these remedies are made using the vibration of recognisable and universal substances.

Symphony range / combination formulas – formulated by Founder, Eugenie Rowson using combinations of remedies for optimal healing results.

No side effects / non toxic / cannot harm – suitable for everyone, adults, children, infants during pregnancy and for pets!


Holisitc – treat the whole person.

Compatible – can be used with other systems of medicine.

Cannot overdose – our remedies work by stimulating symptoms (which are recognised as healing mechanisms) towards final completion and we therefore cannot overdose on healing

Our remedies are now available worldwide to individuals and health practitioners, through our retail outlet  The Remedy Shoppe and NEW online shop at www.theremedyshoppe.co.za  

For every ailment under the sun
There’s a remedy or there is none.
If there is one, try and find it,
If there is none – never mind it!