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First aid for moms by Eugenie Rowson

A wonderful wise adage found on the back of an old chipped jug in my mother’s cabinet tells us:

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy or there is none
If there is one – try and find it
If there is none – never mind it!

I can’t tell you how many times I have rushed to find a remedy from our (somewhat crammed) first aid kit at home. Besides the obvious bandages, disposable gloves, CPR mouthpiece, burnshield, etc, there are our much-loved and coveted self-help homeopathic remedies. Of course, the first to reach for must always be Aconitum for emotional shock (similar to Rescue Remedy but helpful for physical ailments such as panic attacks, too).

The first dose goes to the victim; the second is for me – the traumatised and panicking mother – and then a spray for each of the distressed onlookers and supporters. After following the obvious ABCs of first aid, such as stopping the bleeding, I quickly find the remedy for the “patient’s” physical complaint and suffering.

Over the years, with five children, our first aid kit has helped with an array of common everyday ailments such as nausea and vomiting, eye injuries, fever, dizziness, motion sickness, bruises, sprains, strains and even the odd concussion. It has helped me treat little fingers slammed in doors and painful stubbed toes; and it has stood me in good stead when tending blows to the body and even to the ego. Our tried and trusted arsenal of remedies has helped to allay panic attacks and anxiety, and calm nerves before an exam, a drivers’ licence test, the matric farewell,  job interviews and public speaking engagements. Over the years, it has provided rapid but gentle relief for colic, croup, diarrhoea, earache, toothache, tummy cramps, colds and flu, skin rashes and viral infections.

Self-help homeopathy using Vibrational Medicine boosts the immune system by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms and strengthening the body’s natural resistance to dis-ease. Homeopathy treats the person in the body – both emotional and phycial aiments – and offers a greener, safer, more effective way to improve your family’s health.

The remedies in my kit are affordable, safe and long-lasting. I have found the mouth-spray form to be the absolute family favourite – easy to administer (even to the dog!), fast-acting and pleasant to take. The feeling of confidence, reassurance and empowerment that self-help homeopathy brings to the home is priceless. Here are a few of my favourite first aid remedies that I wouldn’t be without:

Aconitum For shock, panic attack, intense fear. This remedy is of special value for heart palpitations and pains near or around the heart area; it is good for eye injuries and has been described as the ‘Arnica for the eye’. Use for a suffocating asthma attack or a violently dry, croupy cough with great anxiety and restlessness. (For croup or a severe, dry, barking cough, alternate with Hepar Sulph & Spongia). Very useful for generalised pain or inflammation with a huge thirst. NOTE: In all cases of emergency, give Aconitum or Rescue Remedy together with other well-indicated remedies.

Apis Mel For bee stings, or any swelling or inflammation that is similar to a bee sting which feels hot and sensitive to the touch, has a burning or stinging pain, and where heat cannot be tolerated in any form.

Arnica For wounds that bleed profusely; bruises; traumatic injuries; concussion; post-operative disorders such as bruising and bleeding; sprains and strains. A remedy for preventing infection or sepsis. For puncture wounds caused by bites, needles, thorns, nails, splinters and glass, take Arnica as the first remedy, as well as Ledum.

Arsenicum Alb For nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever with chills; any symptoms of food poisoning or severe gastroenteritis.

Belladonna For high fever (without thirst), sunburn or sunstroke; toothache; headache; general inflammation including sudden eye inflammation; sudden patches or widespread hot/burning rash or red inflammation of the skin.

Bryonia For a bursting, splitting frontal headache that affects the eyes, which are sore to move; pain is also experienced at the back of the head and neck; will also help with dehydration (with a big thirst), nausea, dizziness, irritability and a desire to be left alone.

Cantharis For burns, scalds, sunburn and acute cystitis.

Ferrum Phos This is the first remedy for any sign of inflammation, fever or bleeding, and can accompany another well-indicated remedy.

Mag Phos Use as a general painkiller; for toothache where anything cold is unbearable and warmth reduces or stops the pain; for abdominal cramps or spasms where the sufferer bends over double with pain, which is improved by a warm application (such as a hot water bottle, or a warm bed); for sciatica, especially down the right leg.

Phosphorus For a profuse nose-bleed or to reduce any bleeding.

Rhus Tox For sprained or strained joints, muscles or tendons; for a widespread intensely itchy red rash (urticaria or dermatitis) that is either speckled (measles-looking), blistering, scaly, or where the skin appears red and inflamed. Thirsty.

Our remedies are affordable, safe and highly effective. They have no side effects because only a minute amount of the active ingredient is used in their preparation. They work by stimulating the body’s own healing powers.