Vibrational Medicine’s solution to detoxifying the body is called drainage therapy and involves the elimination of toxins believed to arise in the body as a result of the disease process, from physiological dysfunction or from the environment, which have a debilitating or detrimental effect on the efficient functioning of a particular organ and the person’s general wellbeing.
Naturally, we need to stop the intake of toxins wherever possible and have a careful review of poor lifestyle, living habits and diet which may be impacting on our health and contributing to toxicity overload.
Detoxing with Vibrational Medicine
So where begin? The most important detoxing organs in the body are of course the kidneys and liver and those of secondary importance include the lymphatic system, lungs, skin and colon. However, as the wise old saying goes, “before you throw out the garbage, you’d better open the back door!” and for this reason remedies for kidney and liver drainage are always an essential starting point to any good detoxing programme and I would always begin with Berberis Vulgaris . The body is a genius interconnected, inter-dependent system and once the liver and kidneys become overloaded with work and congested with toxins they push the toxicity as far away from the internal organs as possible to protect them – and guess where the toxicity goes … to the extremities.
Most people expect to experience pain in the kidney area or lower back pain with kidney disorders and a right sided abdominal pains for liver disorders and would be very surprised to learn that numerous other pains such as pain in the shoulders, arms, hands, wrists, fingers, hips, legs and feet (especially under the heels and balls of the feet that feel like you are walking on sharp stones or needles) relate to kidney & liver disorders and can be improved upon with a suitable homeopathic drainage remedy. However, this doesn’t mean that using a detox foot patch is necessarily a good idea! No.
If God wanted the body to detox through the feet, he would probably have given us a kidney under one foot and liver under the other! Kidney and liver drainage must always come first and once these primary eliminating organs are drained and unburdened of toxins and able to do their proper work, we can focus on other area of the body needing help.
– gall bladder & liver drainage or inflammation of the liver; as a result of rich foods, alcohol & drug/artificial medicines abuse;
Berberis Vulgaris
– an excellent remedy to achieved combined kidney & liver drainage.
The health of every single organ and cell in the body must be judged by its ability to eliminate the waste products of the life process and a drainage remedy is therefore chosen according to the organ in most need of toxin elimination. Here are some examples :
– drainage of the lymphatic system especially in the case of glandular swelling during and after illness; benign breast lumps; fatty lipomas; cellulite.
Ruta Grav
– colon drainage.
Berberis Aquifolium
or Calendula – Skin drainage; to enhance the healing of many chronic skin disorders including pots and pimples, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
– Bladder detox in urinary disorders.
– to drain and improve the functioning of the spleen and thereby assist with many blood disorders.
– to encourage pancreas drainage and improve sugar regulation disorders.
Adrenal Gland (whole) 7c
– to regulate the adrenal gland after damage and disorder from suppression by cortisone medications where organs have been disordered by suppressive medicines.
or Lobelia Inflata 7c – lung drainage especially whilst using an asthma inhaler; important for smokers or ex-smokers; during and after any lung disorder.
Sabal Serrulata
– prostate disorders.
Thlaspi Bursa
– for drainage of the uterus and urinary/bladder disorders – including fibroids; endometriosis, menstrual disorders, infertility; incontinence.
Nux Vom
– general detox remedy especially after over indulgence in stimulants, rich foods, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol. An excellent hangover remedy that you may wish to have on hand during the festive season!