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Every headache is different – don’t look for a one-size-fits-all treatment

A headache is generally understood as a pain somewhere on the head, and most people turn to a “one size-fits-all” medication for help, such as paracetamol, aspirin, codein or brufen, regardless of the nature of the headache. Homeopathy and Vibrational Medicine recognises that there are hundreds of different types of headaches. When choosing a remedy, it is important to consider the location, sensation and modality of the ailment. In the case of headaches, we would ask the following questions: 

Location: Where is the pain? (Frontal, on the top of the head, at the back of the head, etc)
Sensation: How does it feel? (Bursting, splitting, pounding, etc)
Modality: what makes it better or worse? (Light or darkness, warmth or cold, movement or rest, etc)

Some headaches have a known cause such as emotional and physical stress, eye strain, dehydration, toxicity, alcohol, lack of sleep, tiredness. However, others seem unrelated to any particular circumstance or trigger.   Regardless of whether the origin of the headache is known or not, Vibrational Medicine has a remedy to match every imaginable head pain.

Some of the most common descriptions of head pain or headache may include: pressing, throbbing, tearing, burning, electric, neuralgic, shooting,  stabbing or bursting, and may have a specific location such as, worse on the left side, worse on the right side, frontal, occipital; or may be described as “like a wind through my eye”; like the top of my head is exploding”, “like a band around my head”, “like a tight cap”; “with a pressure behind my eyes”, “with stiffness and pain in my neck”; “moving from my neck over to the top of my head”; “with a shooting pain from my ear through my jaw”, “with a prickling sensation on my scalp”. Headaches may also be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, seeing sparks or flashes, great thirst, irritability, grief, a need to be left alone or a need to lie quietly in the dark.

Certain headaches are made worse by lying down, worse for movement, better for tying a tight band around the head … and lots, lots more. For every one of these descriptions, Vibrational Medicine has a tried-and-tested remedy!   The body communicates its disorder and dis-ease through the symptoms that we see and feel, just as the artist expresses his ideas on the canvas. If we don’t like the expression of the artist, should we cover up the painting, as with suppressive medicine, and leave the artist to produce another one exactly like it, or should we correct the artist? 

Each headache description relates to an underlying disorder, yet we don’t necessarily need to know what causes it in order to fix it. For example, a headache that feels like a “tight cap” usually relates to kidney toxicity and indicates that the remedy Berberis Vulgaris is needed. However, you don’t need to know this.  You simply need to find the remedy that matches your description of your headache … and both your headache and your kidneys will be treated! 

Vibrational Medicine works by stimulating the body’s healing mechanisms. It is safe and free of side effects, and therefore an excellent self-help option.  Above all, it really works! Always choose a remedy that most closely matches the description of your headache or head pain and associated symptoms and possible related causes if known. Here are a few excellent headache remedies to get you started:

Belladonna – this is an excellent remedy for the classic throbbing headache that comes on suddenly, either in the forehead, or at the back of the head/neck or temples; feels worse when lying down flat and better when sitting or raised on lots of pillows. You feel hot but not very thirsty and have an aversion to noise and light.

Bryonia – headache begins in the back of the neck and moves to the front of the head, remaining over the forehead and eyes. Head feels like it is bursting or splitting, is very sore to move and eyes feel painful and worse for the slightest movement. May feel dizzy and even nauseous, with a great thirst for long drinks.

Gelsemium – for a headache which makes you feel dizzy, weak and  heavy-headed; or it feels like a band around the head; a dull heavy ache with heaviness of the eyelids; pain in the head extends from the temples to the ears or chin. Neck and shoulder muscles may also be sore.

Glonoinum – a very effective remedy for a pulsating, throbbing headache accompanied by extreme irritability. Accompanied by throbbing in the ears. Cannot tolerate anything hot near the head – a cool, damp face cloth might help. Excellent for a headache after sitting in the sun too long.

Nat Mur – for the typical migraine-type headache; can be severe and varied and may be throbbing, beating, pressing or hammering in nature; it is either frontal or one-sided. May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting with a need to lie quietly in the dark and sleep. Headache may begin with tingling in the tongue, lips or nose. May have been caused by emotional upset, delayed eating, eye strain, dehydration, or too much heat or sun. Might also feel giddy and off balance. Eyes feel very sore to move and you may see fiery zigzags in front of the eyes.

Nux Vom – great option for headaches that result from modern-life excesses; the typical hangover-type or over-indulgence headache. Headache is frontal, seated over the eyes or at the back of the head and neck. Brain feels like it is swirling. May be worse in the morning (especially if over-indulgence is the cause). Accompanied by hypersensitivity and irritability, impatience, light sensitivity of the eyes and an intolerance of noise or odours.

Silica – pain begins at the back of the neck and spreads forward over the whole head, affecting the eyes. Feels as if the head might burst. May have sharp pains moving through the eyes, causing blurred vision, sensitivity to light, dizziness (especially when looking up). Cannot tolerate alcohol. Person feels anxious and nervous and cannot stand noise or cold air. Might want to tie something tight around the head for relief. (N.B. Silica should not be taken by anyone with breast, dental or other implants).

In addition to treating headaches and many other physical symptoms, Vibrational Medicine is a highly effective treatment for mood swings, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other emotional problems.

No pain, no gain, no healing! by Eugenie Rowson