The word “menopause” gives me a befuddled feeling of denial and disbelief. Menopause, of course, refers to the change of life that signals the end of a woman’s childbearing years and usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years. Around this time, a woman’s body begins to react to dropping levels of oestrogen and other hormones, causing her period to become erratic and eventually stop. This, of course, may sound like marvellous news, and some women do sail through this life-cycle change celebrating a new lease of life.
However, as oestrogen levels fall, and the idea sinks in that they are leaving something behind and moving on to a new chapter of their life, some women experience troublesome physical and emotional symptoms. I have always tried to maintain natural health and wellbeing, and am certainly not sold on the idea that I will be moving on to a new cycle in my life, especially not without some sort of planning and conscious agreement from myself!
The idea of having one’s body changing without one’s consent is rather daunting! Nevertheless, the change is inevitable and I, for one, fully intend to transform with a positive attitude. I will, of course, be embracing the hundreds of natural homoepathic remedies that can be used to effectively to treat all the symptoms of menopause. Vibrational Medicine offers a safe and effective solution to correcting any imbalances –– both physical or emotional.
By the way, men may also experience transitional changes around the same age and also benefit greatly from a Vibrational Medicine for the specific symptoms experienced. I have discussed a few of our remedies below that cover the most common menopausal symptoms, including menstrual irregularities, hot flashes (or flushes as they are also called), night sweats, mood swings, headaches, insomnia, vaginal dryness and urinary disorders, weight gain, flabbiness and loss of muscle tone, memory and cognitive changes, fatigue, decreased libido, high blood pressure and depression. These remedies can be combined to cover a broad spectrum of disorders.
Remedies for menopause
Sepia – my favourite woman’s remedy. Helpful for symptoms such as hot flushes (that tend to move upwards) with sweating; this remedy especially suits the woman who cannot tolerate the cold (opposite to Lachesis), has poor circulation, with cold hands and feet. Lots of mood swings and emotional issues including sadness, tearfulness, irritability; she is easily offended, snappy (especially with loved ones); feels that she can’t cope or is losing her mind; tired, especially in the afternoons; lower back pain (especially while sitting); pain the heels; swelling of the knees; restless legs; varicose veins; feels exhausted; nauseous, especially in the morning before eating or when smelling food; constipation with abdominal bloating; heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat; increase in blood pressure; frequent headaches with dizziness, nausea and an intoxicated feeling (especially in the morning); hair loss; prolapsed organs; irregular periods; vaginal pain or dryness; recurring cystitis. All of the symptoms are improved with exercise or some sort. Sleep is restless and unrefreshing. Has low libido and cannot stand to be touched. Suits a tough, determined and independent personality.
Agnus Castus – a remedy for both men and women, helpful with mental depression coupled with a low libido or diminished sexual desire, and even abhorrence of sexual intercourse; erectile dysfunction; impotence.
Calc Carb – for hot flushes and night sweats, especially on the head, neck and chest, that leave you feeling chilly. Helps to alleviate unexplained weight gain, loss of muscle mass with general softening and flabbiness of the body. Promotes a more efficient metabolism and calcium balance.
Ferrum Phos – a helpful remedy for hot flushes, vaginal dryness and night sweats; restless sleep.
Lachesis – for flashes of heat with hot perspiration; heart palpitations; increase in blood pressure; anxiety or depression; chronic/recurring sore throat; heat in any form may bring on all symptoms or make them worse. Swollen legs with varicose veins. Valuable remedy for preventing venous congestion, clot formation or thrombosis. jealousy and exhaustion. This remedy is indicated with flashes of heat starting lower in the body and rushing upwards. Women may often describe it as feeling like a “rush of blood to the head”. Headaches, especially at the top of the head. The Lachesis person is worse for a warm room and prefers cooler, open-air environments – can’t stand heat in any form. They don’t like things round their necks (scarves, ties and buttoned collars), and feel better for loose, open clothing. This remedy is classically indicated in women who talk rapidly, and change the topic frequently, barely finishing a sentence. Person may feel very emotional, irritable.
Lycopodium – this remedy will give a much-welcomed boost to vitality and virility in men; assists with erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate and urinary disorders, hair loss and early graying. Also helpful for a weakening digestive system with much bloating, flatulence, heartburn/reflux or dyspepsia.
Nux Vom – take this remedy if your periods are irregular; you are often irritable, impatient or short tempered; cannot bear to be touched; irritated by noise, light or odours; constipated; suffer from headaches; and get hot flushes especially after eating. Suits the workaholic type who is addicted to life in the fast lane and requires many stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. This person has high levels of toxicity and acidity is likely to be running high!
Pulsatilla – for ever-changing symptoms including tiredness, tearfulness with mood swings; headache with neuralgic pains and dizziness; pain in the lower back, hips, thighs, legs and heels; legs may feel heavy like lead; knees may be swollen; nausea; extreme burning heat at night; no thirst; cannot tolerate heat or warmth and longs for fresh air. Sleep is restless. Suits a gentle, mild, yielding personality who seeks company, approval and support from those around her.
Sanguinaria – this remedy is for everything hot and burning – palms, soles, feet; a flushed face, burning ears, eyes and cheeks; throat can be dry and burning; intense flashes of heat; unquenchable thirst; skin may also be itchy and blotchy; most symptoms are right-sided.
Thlaspi Bursa – this is a wonderful remedy for many disorders of the uterus and bladder, including excessively heavy bleeding, fibroids, uterine polyps, chronic cystitis and urethritis, and has saved many a desperate woman from a hysterectomy.
Diet, exercise and lifestyle
In addition to Vibrational Medicine, one’s general wellbeing can also be enhanced by a fresh look at one’s diet, exercise options and lifestyle changes. Loss of bone density is caused by estrogen deficiency around the time of menopause, and also occurs when the body is acidic. In an acidic system, the parathyroid glands have to remove calcium from the bones and deposit it into the blood so that the blood is kept alkaline to prevent certain micro-organisms, which enjoy acidic conditions, from thriving there.
To prevent osteopaenia and eventual osteoporosis, it is very important to maintain an alkaline system through diet or by taking a daily supplement of an alkaline base powder (available at any good pharmacy or health shop). Keeping magnesium, calcium and potassium in balance helps to prevent other symptoms that are common in menopause, such anxiety, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, night sweats, fatigue, memory, poor concentration and cognitive changes, panic disorder, sleep disorders and lots more.