Q: Hi! I bought your book at a health shop about 2 months ago – it is exactly what I have been looking for for a long time, you have changed my life. Thank you.
Can you help me with a remedy? I have been suffering for the last few days with muscle pain. I think it was caused by last week’s damp weather. It started with pain in my upper arms, at the back near my elbows, then pain in my calves and my back between my shoulder blades. It has now spread to the back of my thighs and along my spine. I have taken magphos which I always take for muscle pain, but it has not helped at all. The pain is helped by warmth but made much worse when sitting or lying down, to the point where it has woken me the last two nights. The only thing that provides relief is walking but this is temporary. Thank you very much.
A: Thank you for your query. We would recommend Rhus Tox – a wonderful remedy for aches and pains which improve with movement. The book says:
“For pain and stiffness which is always worse after sitting or lying down, and feels better after moving about until the joints have loosened up. These symptoms are often brought on by sprain or strain, are worse during cold, damp weather and feel better for rubbing, movement and warmth.”
“…will help aches, pains and stiffness in all fibrous tissues including muscles, tendons and ligaments, especially if symptoms are worse at the first movement and imporved by loosening or limbering up.”
Be sure to ask for Rhus Tox 200c. Homeopathic remedies are available from homeopathic pharmacies or from There’s a remedy for that! agents throughout South Africa. If you would like an agent to contact you, let me know where you are located and send me your contact details, and I will ask your nearest agent to get in touch.