Case :
Acute Lichenoid Pityriasis. Don’t let the name terrify you!
A young child was brought to me recently with a rare skin disease called that had been diagnosed as Acute Lichenoid Pityriasis and had been given cortisone by the paediatrician/dermatologist. When two months of cortisone had made little effect, a further, more powerful course was proposed – and we all know the dreadful side effects of cortisone!
Don’t let the name terrify you! Clinical medicine has hundreds of names for sicknesses but their medicine is designed to suppress ie hold back, repress, stifle, restrain, contain, smother cover up, conceal, bottle up. If a one-size-fits-all medicine such as cortisone, anti inflammatory, anti histamine, anti biotic, is to be prescribed then what on earth is the purpose of the name? (And very often a patient must spend an aweful lot of money undergoing tests just to be told … “the good news is : we have a name .. the bad news is : there’s no known cure, but we can manage the symptoms with suppressive drugs….for the rest of your life”!).
Vibrational Medicine on the other hand, has thousands of healing medicines and doesn’t concern itself much with disease names (except the name of the patient of course). It doesn’t need a big name to find the right remedies – in fact to the contrary! It doesn’t try to remove a disease; instead it depends on a description of the symptoms in simple layman’s language in order to identify the best remedy. It then stimulates these symptoms (yes actually encourages the symptoms) to completion, because it recognises that symptoms are the actual healing mechanisms that the body needs to produce in order to bring itself back to order and balance.
Acute Lichenoid Pityriasis
Yikes! This big name would have scared off most mere mortal practitioners : But fortunately, we can find the best choice of homeopathic remedy by the individual characteristics of a person’s symptoms (which are the body’s efforts to throw off an underlying disorder and should not be interrupted or interfered). This child’s skin looked like a very bad case of chickenpox, but with small spots over her entire body (from the neck down) that turned into purple/dark red marks and scabs (mostly on her torso), which remained a long time …. and just kept coming!
Last few spots:
After taking the best chosen remedies, included in our Chickenpox formula : Variolinum, Ant. Tart, Vaccininum, Lachesis, Graphites, Vibrational Medicine triumphed again ….
The child’s skin took approx. 4 weeks to clear up (it would have healed faster has her immune system not been compromise by the cortisone which hampered with her body’s ability to respond more quickly to the remedies). The child’s mother was very worried about scarring so she also gave her child our Scar tissue, keloids & stretchmarks formula and her skin cleared up beautifully.