ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and ADD (attention deficit disorder) can create a variety of problems for children both at school as well as at home. It is often also difficult for these children to be understood by their peers and teachers and they may struggle to learn at school. By asking a few questions you should be able to identify whether your child may need further intervention and possible diagnosis of ADD and ADHD.
What is ADHD?
According to (Professional Group for Attention and Related Disorders,1991) ADHD [ A.D.D. OR ADHD ] is a neurobiologically-based developmental disability estimated to affect between 3-5% of the school age population. This can be due to genetic factors, an imbalance in chemicals or a deficiency in certain neurotransmitters. ADD is often characterised by a “dreamy child” who has an inability to focus, is forgetful, vague and indifferent. ADHD is often characterised by hyperactivity, impulsiveness, aggression, restlessness and a short attention span. There are 3 different sub-types of AD/HD and these involve a predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type behaviour, inattentive type behaviour or a combination of behaviours.
What are the signs of ADHD?
What is important to note is that any of the signs listed below must be present for at least 6 months or longer, as well as persist across settings (i.e. home and school)
– May fail to give close attention to detail in school work, work or other activities
– Gets easily distracted by external factors
– Has difficulty keeping attention for a long period of time
– Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to directly
– May have difficulty organising tasks and activities
– May resist activities that involve sustained periods of mental stimulation
– May not follow through on instructions
– Seems very fidgety all the time
– Is constantly on the go and talks excessively
– May leave his/her seat when he/she is expected to sit
– Has difficulty in engaging in leisure activities quietly
– May struggle to wait his/her turn
– May interrupt others.
– Blurts out answers to questions before asked
Knowing which signs and symptoms to look out for will really help you to understand whether your child has ADHD/ADD. If you feel that they may be struggling with ADHD it’s important to seek professional help such as with a developmental paediatrician, child psychologist, child psychiatrist, or paediatric neurologist to discuss the options available.
Clinicians using Homeopathy for ADD/ADHD have reported fantastic results and studies published by the British Journal of Homeopathy have shown that children taking homeopathic medicines showed significantly less ADHD behaviour in just 10 days.
Vibrational Medicine for ADHD and ADD
Vibrational medicines work to stimulate the body’s own immune system and resistance to disease. They offer a safe and effective way to improve your family’s physical and emotional health and wellbeing and can be taken with any other remedies or medicines.
Eugenie Rowsons Vibrational Medicine ADD Formula improves symptoms associated with attention deficit disorder such as restlessness, shyness, poor concentration and dreaminess, dullness, disinterest in life, vagueness, forgetfulness, listlessness, indifference. Child may have learning difficulties and be lacklustre and unresponsive and struggles to collect their thoughts. This formula promotes concentration and focus. Heightens the sense of interest in life.
Eugenie Rowsons Vibrational Medicine ADHD Formula improves symptoms associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder such as excessive talking, aggression, impulsiveness, , impulsivity, capriciousness, weak self-control, cannot stop themselves from interrupting, bossy, dictatorial, behaves like a tyrant, restlessness, distractibility, hyperactivity, a short attention span, concentration difficulty, precocious, wants their own way, selfish, angry, irritable, loud, impulsive, overbearing, impatient, difficulty sitting still in class or waiting in line, fidgety, has temper tantrums, throws things, displays a violent temper. Often accompanied by learning difficulties. This formula promotes a sense of calm, concentration and mental focus.
Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which are safe for adults, children, pregnant women and pets. These are available from The Remedy Shoppe online at or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg. There’s a remedy for that!