Q: My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is following alternative protocols – the Budwig diet and the Kelley enzyme protocol. Both are well-recognised internationally, but we’ve been battling to find someone locally who could monitor her progress, or suggest a diet or supplements, or even just help with her everyday problems while on the protocol, like nausea. I think very few people here know about it, and we’re not doctors so we’re worried about just mixing a lot of different remedies. Do you know of these protocols, would you recommend them, or could you perhaps help us in any way? I know your book is for common ailments, but thought I’d at least find out!
A: I have studied the diets that your mom is on and they look good. There are two very important homeopathic remedies that she should also be taking (which can be taken at the same time as these special diets) to assist with the breast cancer :
Phytolacca 200c 6 times a day – for lymph drainage and of significant value in breast cancer
Conium Maculatum 200c 6 times a day – excellent for breast cancer.
Cancer is seldom found in an alkaline body. Just the anxiety and fear that comes with such an illness would elevate a person’s adrenaline resulting in increased acidity and this would perpetuate the problem. I would therefore strongly suggest that your mom takes the Multiforce Alkaline Powder (Natural minerals) by A. Vogel (once a day) to support her system and ensure that it remains alkaline.