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Are you afraid of the dentist?

If you break into a cold sweat or get weak at the knees before a visit to the dentist or delivering a speech, then Gelsemium, a wonderful homeopathic remedy which helps to soothe anticipatory fears, could be just what the doctor ordered. There are many substances from nature than can help to correct emotional distress and dis-ease we all suffer with from time to time, ease the emotional and physical symptoms of panic and anxiety, and bring about calmness and peace. One of these is Gelsemium, commonly known as Yellow Jasmine.

Gelsemium for flu
Gelsemium is a classic flu remedy indicated especially for viral infections where the person has chills going up and down the spine, and feels so tired that he or she can barely lift the head off the pillow, with aching when moving the eyes. Symptoms are made worse by motion, light, noise and stuffy rooms. Gelsemium is a classic flu remedy also used to treat acute influenza (flu) and sore throats with weakness, limp limbs, chills, fever, headaches with double vision, and heavy, drooping eyelids. Gelsemium was used to great effect across the UK during the 1996-97 flu epidemic. The remedy can be given for hayfever if accompanied by tiredness and litlessness.

Gelsemium for emotional upset
Besides being good for flu, Gelsemium is a great remedy for “hearing bad news” and is effective for fright with trembling, and in case of anticipation anxiety which starts just before the event takes place; for example, you have a speech to deliver, and everything is fine until you have to start speaking, then you are overcome with fear and trembling. Gelsemium is also the number 1 remedy for fear of a visit to the dentist, and great for animals who are afraid of going to the grooming parlour or the vet.

Gelsemium for viral infections
In the past, acute cases of polio were cured by Gelsemium. It is also indicated for an array of common childhood illnesses such as measles and chicken pox. There is no specific CONVENTIONAL treatment to cure viral infection. However, resting and drinking plenty of fluids will help you to feel better. Homeopathic remedies administered as soon as symptoms appear will soothe the fever and discomfort, boost the overall immune system and speed up recovery.

Homeopathy is an affordable, gentle, non-toxic and highly effective system of medicine. It is used all over the world and is growing in popularity in South Africa. Gelsemium is available as a single remedy or in combination formulas including Exam stress & stage fright formula and Cold, flu & viral infection formula. Potentised remedies (R80) are available from homeopaths, homeopathic pharmacies, online from www.theresaremedyforthat.com or from agents nationwide. For details of your nearest outlet call There’s a remedy for that! on 076 130 8058 (Health Line) or visit us online.