Calming a hot temper

Q: My son is a lively 4-and-a-half year old but he battles with his temper. He gets annoyed and irritated so much and when one doesn’t do what he wants he just flares up and sometimes really loses the plot. 

Can I use Silica if I have veneers on my teeth?

Q: Hi Genie, I see in your book that it says that Silica should not be used by people who have breast, dental or other implants. What exactly constitutes a dental implant? I have porcelian veneers on my teeth and was just wondering … Read More

Lower back problems

Q: My granddaughter is 20 years of age and at present living in Sweden. She has a history of slipped discs, was in hospital in Johannesbug for two weeks at the beginning of this year, and had an MRI scan … Read More


Q: My daughter of 20 yrs has an extremely weak bladder. She will suddenly need to go to the loo but then she has to hurry otherwise she wets her self. Some nights she even wets her bed. Is there a … Read More

How does homeopathic medicine work?

Homeopathic medicine stimulates the body’s own immune system and healing mechanisms. By strengthening our own natural self-healing forces, we can overcome illness or dis-ease, and bring balance and order to the body and mind.

Who can use homeopathic medicines?

For everyday, minor complaints and common ailments, homeopathic remedies are suitable for everyone, including infants, and even your pets.
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