Stop press: Gastro doing the rounds

There is a terrible gastro virus on the rampage in the Joburg area. It starts suddenly after eating. Symptoms include severe abdominal cramps, nausea, irritability and extreme thirst and medium fever – followed by projectile vomiting, sometimes every 10 minutes. … Read More

Is there a remedy for chilblains?

Chilblains are small, itchy, painful, red swellings on the skin. Chilblains are thought to be caused by an abnormal skin reaction to cold. They tend to occur on the extremities such as the toes, fingers, nose and earlobes.

Bach Flower Remedies for negative emotions

The Bach Flower Remedies are very helpful in alleviating all sorts of negative emotions and can be taken with any other remedies or medicines. They work amazingly well. See if you can identify your symptoms in any of the following:

No sweat

Q: Hi Genie, I have a client who perspires excessively, and is quite stressed about it as it’s rather embarrassing. Armpits, face, hands and feet. She is becoming desperate!!! Please advise, thanks

Help for pterygiums

Q: Good day, I had bilateral pterygiums removed a year ago and they have grown back rather quickly.  I am trying to find an alternative as I do not want surgery again, is there anything you could suggest?

The common cold and flu

What makes us sick? Micro-organisms live in and around us all the time but do not harm us. However, any stress to our system, whether emotional, physical or mental, creates the ideal conditions for micro-organisms to flourish.

Eugenie’s recommended teething trio

Chamomilla – for extremely painful toothache that is made worse if anything warm touches the tooth; person is driven to distraction from the pain which seems worse at night; excessive salivation; glands around the throat and jaw may feel sore and … Read More

Remedies for grief

Both Aurum and Ignatia are effective remedies for people suffering from depression and grief. Aurum: Melancholy mood with restlessness; Irresistible inclination to weep; Despair; From slightest opposition flies into a heated passion and anger; Alternate laughing and crying, or alternate … Read More

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