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Boosting fertility

– Definition of fertility: capable of giving life, the quality or state of being fertile, the property of producing abundantly and of sustaining rich and luxuriant wellness

81Homeopathy is ideal for women in their childbearing years as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects because only a minute amount of the active ingredient is used in their preparation. They work by stimulating the body’s own healing powers. By stimulating the vitality of a woman wanting to conceive, homeopathic treatment will also benefit her baby.

By being as healthy as possible before and during pregnancy, you are giving your baby the ideal conditions in which to thrive. Good homeopathic treatment for common everyday ailments prior to conception can also help you to conceive and to be as healthy as possible during your pregnancy.

Homeopathy views symptoms of ill health or any type of disorder, including infertility, as an expression of disharmony (or dis-ease) within the whole person, and that the whole person needs treatment, rather than just the isolated symptoms of a particular illness.

Dis-ease and disharmony in the body is caused by both internal and external stressors which come from many sources –  toxicity, trauma, pathogens, mental and emotional factors (fear, anxiety, anger), electro and environmental pollution, poor nutrition, heredity factors, poor living conditions, lifestyle issues, lack of sleep, excess physical or mental labour, and extreme environmental changes (temperature, altitude, damp, dryness, deficiency syndrome, etc.) First comes the stressor which causes the conditions for dis-ease – later comes the illness or imbalance. If we boost the vital force (or life force) and remove the stressors, our system has the power to repair itself.

Common ailments / stressors linked to infertility

  • History of suppressed illnesses in the past (caused by using suppressive medicines where the body has not been able to heal properly)
  • Use of artificial hormones and other medicines
  • Hyperacidity (having an acid rather than an alkaline system)
  • Stress
  • Poor diet & nutrition
  • Poor sleep
  • Lack of peacefulness and rest
  • Exhaustion
  • Digestive disorders
  • Any emotional upset, dis-ease or suppression, such as anger, fear, worry, anxiety, despair, aggression, resentment, bitterness, lack of love (many hormones govern our emotional state)

Direction of cure

The body heals itself in a specific direction or order – not just in any old higgledy-piggledy fashion. The body always heals itself in order of priority, from the top down, and from the inside out. Mind and head (emotions) first and then downwards; internal organs before skin.

Therefore, if the body is in a state of healing, we should feel or observe an improvement of symptoms in this direction – for example, a person should notice initially that they feel better emotionally, and that their state of mind (and issues that relate to the mind such as mood/emotion, appetite) is improving before there is a noticeable improvement with symptoms lower down in the body, such as digestion, easing of painful menstruation, etc.

Thus, when attempting to maximise fertility, it is a priority to focus on selecting a remedy that addresses the emotional dis-ease and secondly a lower order such as a hormonal imbalance or digestion disorder.  It also means that the more a woman worries about fertility, the more her body will focus on this emotional dis-ease as a priority and the hormonal issues will only be corrected by the body after that!

Choosing a remedy

Homeopathic medicine has one fundamental principle: it promotes the healing of the whole person, including mind and emotion. It is amazing how quickly a person will heal physically, if their emotional healing is given priority. We know that words are energy or vibration and we should therefore never underestimate the power of a kind word – which is the best catalyst for another’s healing. A person’s bedside manner and genuine concern for another is powerful! Homeopathic medicine is so effective because it gives priority to the ‘mind’ symptoms that  accompany the physical ailments. Consider these well when choosing a remedy – they are important. If you or a loved one is obviously anxious, you should first find the best remedy for this emotional dis-ease, and then focus on the physical ailments! When choosing a remedy, keep these points in mind:

  1. Where is the pain / disorder?
  2. What does it feel like?
  3. What makes it better or worse?

Always choose the remedy/ies that best describes the symptoms. There is no wrong remedy. You can only err by not trying and therefore not assisting the body to heal. Selecting the best remedy may take a little practice but you will get better at it.


  • If your main symptoms are moodiness and disordered emotions linked to hormonal imbalance (possibly due to use of artificial hormones in the past), then your best remedy might be Sepia 200c
  • Choose Nux Vom 200c if your system is in a disordered state from long-term neglect, living life in the fast lane and you experience irritability, toxicity, etc.
  • Pulsatilla & Cimicifuga 200c can be used by those who have had irregular periods since puberty or extremely painful menstruationKali Phos 200c is for worriers. If stress, anxiety and fear are your main symptoms, then this remedy will do wonders for calming and restoring your peace of mind
  • Calc Carb 200c stimulates the pituitary, thyroid and entire endocrine system to bring about hormonal balance (this remedy is particularly suited to women who suffer from excessive sweating and easy weight gain).