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Can South Africans afford to get sick?

Alternative medicines keep medical costs down

As South Africans trim down their budgets and walk the economic tightrope, the topics of health and wellness are on most people’s minds. Which of us can actually afford to get sick these days? Employees cannot afford to get sick. Even if they receive paid sick leave, with many companies retrenching and down-sizing, many are frightened they will suffer the loss of employment if they don’t go to work. If they do not receive paid sick time, they can’t afford to lose their salary or daily pay. So, many people go to work sick and risk passing their condition on to their colleagues.

Increasingly, parents of young children simply cannot afford to take them to the doctor. Even if they belong to a medical scheme, many have reached their limit for the year, and are crippled by the cost of medical tests or medications, which often runs into thousands of rands. Times this by a family of four and you are in for an expensive exercise, even if it’s just for a bout of flu that lays the family low for a few days. On top of this, keeping children out of daycare or school to go to the doctor or recover from a illness often means lost work time for a parent, or additional cost for a babysitter.
Savvy health consumers know that the best way to keep their medical costs down is to stay well. Prevention is far better than cure. Alternative health products such as nutritional supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies, and treatments such as reflexology and chiropractic help adults and children alike to stay healthy and avoid illness, or aid a speedy recovery by strengthening the body’s resistance to disease and illness. The price of such products is nominal when compared with the costs connected with getting sick.
Says Genie Rowson, Natural Health Practitioner, Fellow of the British Institute and author of the bestselling South African title, There’s a remedy for that!, “Many people are turning to natural alternatives to treat their families’ common ailments. Natural medicine recognises that all symptoms of ill health and behaviour disorders are expressions of disharmony within the whole person, and treats the patient as a whole, rather than the symptoms of the ‘dis-ease’. The neglected factor in today’s medical care is the innate healing potential of the human body. Natural remedies stimulate this potential and boost the body’s healing mechanisms, gently, safely and effectively.”
Many alternative health products help to build a strong immune system so the body can fight off illness and manage common everyday ailments. Other natural remedies help with digestion and others relieve stiffness and aches and pains. There are even homeopathic remedies to treat depression and other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, gently, safely and affordably. Alternative health products also help people recuperate if they do catch colds or feel a little run down. Healing herbs, homeopathy and supplements are not only for people alone, either. Dogs, cats and horses react well to alternative treatments for many common conditions. Dogs have been known to recover from skin rashes, nervous conditions, digestion problems, and other maladies with alternative products. Many vets may even recommend the employment of such products.
Using alternative health products will not always replace the advice and treatment of a health professional. Individuals with complicated medical conditions, emergencies and illnesses that do not respond to alternative treatments should seek medical attention.