Chamomilla – for extremely painful toothache that is made worse if anything warm touches the tooth; person is driven to distraction from the pain which seems worse at night; excessive salivation; glands around the throat and jaw may feel sore and swollen; great irritability, anger and impatience; fever.
What Eugenie says about Chamomilla: “This is a long-trusted remedy for teething babies.”
Silica – this remedy is known as the “homeopath’s scalpel” and is excellent for encouraging the body to expel infected pus or tissue from the body.
What Eugenie says about Silica: “Silica will help push the teeth through the gums in a teething infant. (It will also push a splinter out of the skin.) Especially helpful where teething is accompanied by constipation.”
Ferrum Phos – this is the first remedy for any sign of inflammation, fever or bleeding; use at the first sign of a cold or runny nose; for early stages of ear inflammation or infection; earache; should be given at the first sign of a fever; toothache
What Eugenie says about Ferrum Phos: “This is the first remedy for inflammation – it will also help to alleviate the pain and fever associated with teething.”
For more information on teething, click here.