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Get your PhD in Mothering

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH,RSHom(Na)

Recently I heard a mom declare, “I wish I had taken my job as a mother more seriously. My kids might not have the chronic illnesses they suffer from today.”


Preparation for motherhood ought not to be random or casual. It needs to be faced with the same kind of intent and commitment as getting your PhD.

Understanding how to prepare nutritious meals is key, setting them on the right moral path is paramount and treating their illnesses without detrimental drugs, downright fundamental.

Only a century ago, that’s just what mothers did. They learned how to treat fever, coughs, injuries, colic and such without bowing to a modern medical paradigm of a synthetic pill for every ill.

Why? Well, mostly because moms didn’t trust modern medicine.

Do you?

If you embrace medicine of commerce and seek frequent medical procedures, then the information I’m about to present is not for you.

But if you’re like mothers of old or even modern ones, who celebrate their knowledge of intelligent natural health, then read on.

An important place to begin is in knowing how to treat fever. Here’s the rule of thumb when treating a fever….


No aspirin, no Tylenol, no antibiotics. Why? Because fever is not an illness, it’s a symptom. Treating symptoms is what drugs do. And we don’t like that paradigm because drugs don’t get to the root of the problem. They only eliminate the signs of illness.

“She was convulsing. I was scared and so I had to give her something.”

Even febrile convulsions are nothing to fear in a normal child. In fact, if your child has them and you rush to the hospital, by the time you get there, they’ll have passed. There’s no conventional treatment anyway. Further, a convulsion is a normal regulatory response which indicates a fast paced fever, not a high one.

“But the fever was already at 105. I can’t do nothing.”

Brain damage occurs at 107.6 and it is rare indeed when a fever in a child goes beyond 106. In fact, the higher the fever, the more capable of self cure.

“But he could barely sleep and it’s hard to watch him suffer.”

Why, certainly fever’s uncomfortable! So?

Would you suppress vomiting if he had eaten bad chicken?

These are responses required for genuine health.

It is an understood truth of human pathology that fever cures. In fact, a fever is often employed in uprooting chronic illness. One of the foundational principles in homeopathy is that chronic illness is often the result of acute illness that has been stifled.

No tinkering with meds. Just stand back and watch the miracle of the human body find its way to restoration on its own.
In the process, keep your child hydrated. Dehydration is the only true threat accompanying fever. So insist on quality liquids and maintain bed rest.

There are many methods that as a mom, you need to have in your bag of tricks. The most important is how to interpret illness; when to act and when not.

Join me and millions of educated moms who have found that genuine health begins with the comprehension of genuine health principles.

Get your PhD on how to care for your children as though it is your only assignment in life.

Because it is.

If you yearn to learn, contact Joette Calabrese at HomeopathyWorks.net for a free, 15 minute SKYPE or phone session and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for you and your family’s lifestyle strategy. For a download of our new, printer-friendly First Aid Chart, go to www.homeopathyworks.net and find it in the “Free Downloads and Articles” box. Don’t forget to check out all the information on Joette’s upcoming system designed for moms. Just click Yearn to Learn.