All homeopathic remedies boost the immune system by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms and strengthening the body’s natural resistance to dis-ease. Help yourself to good health!
Abdominal cramps & spasms formula – This formula is a potentised solution of homeopathic remedies known to relieve stomach cramps and spasms, indigestion, agonising pain in the abdomen, and pains associated with digestive disorders.
Digestion & IBS formula – For symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon, diverticultis and Crohn’s disease, such as bloating, distention, cramps and spasms, diarrhoea and constipation. Restores balance to the digestive system. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal.
Nux Vom (gas, indigestion, nausea) – for digestive disorders such as nausea, vomiting and retching. You may want to vomit but cannot. Heaviness and pain felt in the stomach with lots of gas and indigestion. Great bloatedness. Very irritable and fault-finding. This remedy is excellent after over-indulgence in rich, spicy foods and stimulants.
“Nux Vom is a brilliant hangover remedy for symptoms (whether you have overindulged or not!) such as headache, nausea, dizziness, an upset stomach, constipation, irritability, and feeling stressed and impatient.”
Cuprum (colic, cramps, diarrhoea) – the greatest remedy for nausea with severe colic/cramps, abdominal spasms. Spasmodic, watery diarrhoea. Giddiness often accompanies ailments.
“This is an excellent remedy for colic, cramps or spasms anywhere in the body; extremely helpful for nausea and diarrhoea. Helpful where giddiness accompanies ailments. A long-trusted remedy for colicky babies.”
Arsenicum Alb (diarrhoea, vomiting) – the first remedy for vomiting and diarrhoea. For cases of mild food poisoning or gastric flu with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anxiety, fever with cold sweats, feeling cold, weak, trembling and faintness. Possible burning sensation in stomach. Cannot bear the sight or smell of food. Great thirst for frequent small sips.
“Use for nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever with chills and any symptoms of food poisoning or gastroenteritis. This is a great remedy for heartburn and burning pain in the oesophagus or stomach.”
Carbo Veg (flatulence, distention, burping) – use when the h is extremely bloated and you need to burp constantly. You feel faint and short of breath and need lots of fresh air in spite of feeling cold. For constrictive pains in the stomach extending to the chest, with great bloating, flatulence and distention of the abdomen. Burping may give temporary relief. The pain makes you bend over double. Foul flatulence.
“This remedy is helpful where the upper part of the stomach and abdomen feel bloated You may feel that you must have air, and need to open all the windows. The abdomen is greatly distended/bloated and you cannot bear anything tight around your waist.”
Eupatorium (vomiting, diarrhoea) – for nausea, vomiting and purging of bile. Vomiting preceded by thirst. Avoids tight clothing. Frequent, green watery stools. Cramps. Constipated, with sore liver.
“This is a great remedy for gastric flu accompanied by bone pain, vomiting (especially of bile), diarrhoea and great thirst.”
Lycopodium (gas, flatulence) – very helpful where there is bloating of the lower abdomen after only a light meal or pastries, bread or other carbohydrates; you may experience heartburn and much flatulence. Symptoms are usually worse between late afternoon and early evening.
“There are many occasions in our home when the girls have to call on the help of Lycopodium – not for themselves, of course, but for boys in the family! Poor Savannah, our Labrador, is blamed for most of the flatulence, but we girls know better!”