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Help for a hangover

As we head into the silly season, many of my patients are asking me the same question: Is there a remedy for a hangover? The answer is a definite yes! Choose one of the following hangover remedies according to your most prominent symptoms.

Bryonia – this will suit the irritable ‘grumpy bear’ hangover ‘victim’ who wants to be left alone to nurse his nausea, dizziness and bursting/splitting headache that starts at the back of the head, becomes frontal and develops over the brow; even the eyes are too sore to move and are very sensitive. May need to vomit; has an excessive thirst. Wants to lie quietly and not move!


Nux Vom – for the seasoned party animal with a hangover that brings extreme irritability and sensitivity to the slightest noise, odour or light; nausea and great abdominal discomfort including heartburn or indigestion that feels better for vomiting (or making oneself vomit); headache at the back of the head, top or front of the head. Eyes are photosensitive (may need to hide behind dark glasses!) Diarrhoea may ensue. Tends to wake up in the early hours of the morning (from 3am onwards) and cannot go back to sleep.