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Hit the ground running!

The big M is here and that’s not proving to be some sort of tasty bun and patty thing with loads of forbidden saucy stuff.  No! Not quite that attractive.  It’s the Menopause.  I’ll be 50 in a couple of months and it’s become quite an issue for me!  No one in the family seems to be noticing what I’m going through, though!  For starters, there are the obvious physiological negatives which I’m determined to turn into positives.

Firstly, I’ve started to celebrate my new-found improved circulation … I used to feel constantly cold, much to my husband Simon’s distress.  Car windows always had to be turned up and the aircon down.  Now look what’s happened!  The hot flushes started.  Fortunately these have been short-lived after using my Hot flushes & night sweats formula!  And I will continue to use the remedy for a while – just in case.

Then the sleep disorders started. Sleep used to be my absolute best thing and I have always thought that if one could get a qualification in sleep, then I should have the certificate! Having five children has always made me appreciate every moment of shut eye.  Now I seem to be waking at one-ish and wasting the next precious hours re-evaluating my entire life!  What on earth for?  The non-stop internal conversation is so exhausting!!  Although my Sleep Easy & Sweet dreams formula has done wonders for helping me back to sleep until five-ish, there are still some other issues bothering me.  Anxiety and weight gain (around the tummy) seem to be creeping into the picture, so I’ve recently renewed some good habits in my new found spare early morning hours – prayer and running!  And I can tell you that the praying is a lot easier than the running!

For more help with sleep disorders  READ MORE

This morning I would have completed a celebratory 8km run, had I not literally hit the ground running!  I tripped over something (and that’s another issue … Should I be running with my glasses on at nearly 50?!) and down I went onto the dirt track!  I would love to add here … “at high speed”, but I think that would be too much of an exaggeration!  No kind passerby stopped to help!  Luckily, because I hadn’t arrived at our rendezvous yet, Simon came looking for me.  I can tell you that I was in agony – my hands and knees were all bloody and bruised (and sadly my trendy running tights look like the rats had got at them!).  Anyway, I said a very big Deo gratias for a bottle of my Injury Rescue formula which, after spraying into my mouth non-stop, worked incredibly quickly to reduce the pain and help me over the shock.

What I still needed though, was some sympathy from my loving family and hopefully some encouragement to keep up the great running effort (and anti-Menopause drive which they seemed not to have noticed).  So I told Dominique, our fourteen year old daughter about my ordeal and showed her the bloody knee, and this is what she said…

“You see, that’s why old people shouldn’t run”!!!!

NB Moms: Injury rescue Formula is such a important remedy to put into your son’s sports bag now that the rugby season is upon us!  He can use it before and after a game to prevent & correct sprains, strains, cuts, injury to ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints, lacerations, even concussion, dislocations, deep tissue repair, shock, trauma, bruises to the body… and bruises to the ego!

Speaking more of injury, you’ve got to see this! Click here to view a testimonial case where a woman fell on the rocks at the beach and developed a huge haematoma / bruise on her upper thigh. Clinical medicine could do nothing for her except offer an expensive x-ray to check for any deep tissue damage (which they cant fix anyway).  She took our Bleeding disorders & bruising formula and was thrilled with the rapid results!

 Orders : Visit The Remedy Shoppe www.theremedyshoppe.co.za