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Is there a remedy for painful, inflamed eyes?

Q: Hi Genie, I have had several flare-ups of red, very painful eyes unable to tolerate any form of light at all in the past 11 months. I have seen 3 ophthalmologists, tested negative to all blood tests including HIV and used a variety of eye drops to no avail. One of them suggested that I could be suffering from what he called UVlitis.

Two months ago I consulted a homeopathic practitioner and have used the following from him: liver kidney and urinary tract detoxes (boldocynara and nieren), bowel cleanser, gingko biloba, eyes Rx plus, eyebright tongue drops and capsules and coloidal silver drops.

Although the eyes have improved they are still a little red and painful especially at night and when I attempt to do a little reading. I am on atenolol, enalapril and nifedipine all taken for the last 8 years for hypertension. What next can I use and which health source do you recommend?

A: Dry eyes is a side effect of Atenolol and eye pain and visual disturbances are side effects of Nifedipine. All of these medicines have very harmful side effects and the longer you take them the more likely you are to experience some of the many side effects.

There are many good natural alternative to correcting hypertension and without all the horrible side effects of suppressive meds such as your own. (see www.drugs.com for long lists of side effects) You should not come off your meds suddenly and should only do this carefully and slowly under the supervision of a professional. I would be able to help you, or you could see a good homeopath for such help.

In the meantime, our Eye infection, conjunctivitis and stye formula should help to correct the problem (available through our online shop or an Agent near you – see our website for a list of our Agents) and I would also suggest that you keep salt and salty foods out of your diet for a while and drink plenty of water.

More on our Eye infection, conjunctivitis & stye formula:

For all eye disorders which may include inflammation, infection, redness, discharge and watering, allergic irritation, pain and discomfort, styes and conjunctivitis / pink eye. Symptoms be accompanied by discharge of pus where eye is glued or stuck together. Also helps to reduce light sensitivity.