Why, naturally! Choose the best remedy for your tonsillitis / sore throat, based on the symptoms below:
Aconitum – best taken at the first sign of a red, dry, constricted, burning, stinging sore throat that starts suddenly, especially after exposure to the cold, accompanied by other cold or flu-like symptoms including a burning, bursting headache, blocked nose, dry croupy cough, red face, possibly with fever alternating with chills; unquenchable thirst; mood includes one of fear, anxiety and restlessness.
Apis Mel – for a stinging, burning, swollen sore throat that feels like there is a fishbone or stick lodged in the side of the throat; throat is fiery-red and tonsils are swollen; intolerance of heat or touch in any form (need to keep cool). The person has sudden stabbing and stinging pains in the throat which feels like it is closing up; little or no thirst.
Baryta Carb – suited to the person who gets tonsillitis with every cold; tonsils are inflamed and painful and the pain is made worse with empty swallowing – can only swallow liquids (trying to swallow solids makes the person gag and choke); stinging pain in the tonsils with a feeling of a plug in the pharynx (back of the throat). No fever.
Belladonna – for a sore throat that is painful, throbbing and constricted with enlarged tonsils; throat and tonsils are red, very dry, shiny and angry-looking; no thirst; constant inclination to swallow with the sensation of a lump in the throat; accompanied by high fever where the skin on the body feels dry and hot (as opposed to sweaty), but hands and feet feel icy cold; swollen glands, especially those around the neck; throbbing headache; dry barking cough; stiff and painful neck; red, flushed face and a red, ‘strawberry-looking’ tongue.
Ferrum Phos – take for the first stage of colds or flu or at the first sign of any discomfort, inflammation or pain, to relieve symptoms of sore throat. Tonsils are red and swollen; mild fever; ears feel blocked up. Take after surgery on the throat or nose areas to relieve pain, inflammation and bleeding.
Hepar Sulph – for a sore throat that begins with the feeling that you have a splinter or something stuck in your throat, together with sneezing, runny and/or blocked nose, a stitching pain (like razors) in the throat that extends to the ears when swallowing and you feel chilly (hot drinks and warmth bring relief); post-nasal discharge with hawking up of greeny/yellow phlegm; tonsils may be enlarged and septic; boring/bursting headache; if you are easily irritated or upset and feel miserable – this remedy should be your best helper.
Kali Bich – the back of the throat and tonsils look red and inflamed; tonsils are ulcerated and there is much difficulty hawking up a tough stringy yellow/clear mucus; uvula may be swollen; hot fluids bring some relief; no fever – feel better for warmth and being tucked up in bed.
Merc Sol – this remedy will help with extremely painful throat symptoms and inflammation of the tonsils, where there is ulceration and pus forming on the tonsils, lots of saliva produced in the mouth which is extremely painful to swallow, and pain shoots to the ears; all pains are worse at night; symptoms may be accompanied by a foul odour from the mouth, sweating and an intolerance of both heat and cold. Great thirst. Will also assist with pain in the ears or ear infection.
Phytolacca – general glandular remedy excellent for tonsillitis or throat inflammation and can be taken with other well-indicated remedies. Pain in the throat extends to the ears and it is so sore to swallow that it causes a clenching or grimacing action of biting the teeth together. Cannot swallow anything hot. Glands under the jaw and ears, and at the back of the head, may be enlarged. Symptoms may include a post-nasal drip, which causes a build-up of tough grayish/white or yellow mucus that is difficult to clear from the throat.
Rhus Tox – for a sore throat and sticking pains when swallowing, accompanied by swollen glands in the throat area with an intense thirst; sneezing with nasal congestion; aching joints; eye inflammation with sensitivity to light; earache; a great feeling of restlessness with a need to continuously shift about and change position in order to get comfortable.
Sabadilla – For a dry sore throat with much tough phlegm which is difficult to clear. Sensation of having a lump in the throat causing a constant desire to swallow. May be accompanied by much spasmodic and violent sneezing with nostrils blocked and copious watery discharge from the nose; watering from the eyes with redness and burning of the eyes and eyelids; snoring. No thirst. Desire for warm food and drink, which bring some relief.
All remedies are available from The Remedy Shoppe at www.theremedyshoppe.co.uk (or .za) – delivery world wide!
OR visit The Remedy Shoppe’s retail outlet at 24 Pipers Road, Douglasdale, Johannesburg.