Queen Elizabeth’s Long Life Attributed to Homeopathy..
HRH Queen Elizabeth II of England lived to the grand age of 96, her husband Prince Phillip to 99 and her mother to 101; and not by chance! Like so many more members of the British & European Royal families for generations, they were passionate advocates of Homeopathy. In fact, HRH Queen Elizabeth II would not travel anywhere without her Homeopath and homeopathic remedies. Likewise, HRH King Charles III (previous HRH Prince of Wales), is an avid supporter of homeopathy, and I would like to share this special letter that I received from him in response to the publication of my book “There’s a remedy for that!” ….
The King’s Homeopath? | HuffPost Latest News
Queen Elizabeth’s Long Life Attributed to Homeopathy – Sydney Homeopathic Care (sydneyhpathy.com.au)
I believe what prevents men from accepting the homeopathic principles is ignorance, and ignorance is criminal when human lives are at stake. No honest man faced with the facts of homeopathy can refuse to accept it. He has no choice. When I had to face it, I had to become a follower. There was no choice if I were to continue to be an honest man. … Truth always demands adherence and offers no alternative.
–Sir John Weir, physician to King George VI and to four generations of British monarchs
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How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures
JD Rockefeller (like HRH Queen Elizabeth II) never went anywhere without his Homeopath and homeopathic medicines and lived to 97 yrs old. However, at the same time, he made billions through the creation of the Big Pharma industry but NEVER took his own pharmaceuticals!
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