Q: Dear Genie, My husband has been through an extended period of stress over the last couple of years, and he has become quite depressed, feeling exhausted, hopeless and a failure – even though he is brilliant at what he does and very successful at work. He is always tired and has lost his zest for life! I think he is suffering from depression. Can you help?
A: He should take A. Vogel’s alkaline powder (which contains potassium, an essential nervous system nutrient), Solal’s Tryptophan and Solal’s Burnout (for adrenal support in times of exhaustion after prolonged stress). All are available from Dischem and other health stores in SA. In terms of homeopathic remedies, give him Kali Phos 200c, several times a day, which is one of the best brain, nerve, heart and lung remedies. For mental and/or physical exhaustion brought on by excitement, overwork or worry. Brain fag. Poor memory, irritability, dizziness, shortness of breath on exertion, anxiety or feeling of panic; disinclined to socialise or go out.