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No pain, no gain, no healing! by Eugenie Rowson

So what is pain? Does it really exist? It can’t be scanned, scoped, measured in the blood, viewed under the microscope or projected on a big screen. It can’t be seen or touched! Mainstream medicine of course places so much value on such tests and yet ignores the most important message that the body is giving.  It advocates pain killers which work by suppression (which means to : overpower, subdue, smother, hide, control, dominate, overcome, muffle, stifle, silence). Pain killers do not encourage healing – in fact they may well interfere with healing. Of course there are times where pain killers are absolutely necessary and as the old saying goes “necessity has no rules”. However, pain is also necessary! The body-electric which is made up of trillions of impulses, responds appropriately to the pain signal and sends help – so why shoot the messenger?

Having been fortunate enough to bring five healthy babies into this world, I do have some idea of severe pain. The pains of each birth were indescribably sore and so different and yet, 23 years later I can still give you a good run down of every minute detail (but won’t! ). I was thankful for a little pethidene with the first two babies – but I remember pleading for more only to be told that it’s bad for the baby! Why was there no other “medicine” that could help both baby and me AND do no harm? I only started to truly recognise the incredible value of homeopathy for every imaginable pain after all five babies had arrived! Pain is not the cause of the problem … it is the body’s alarm system. How ridiculous is it to keep your hand on the hot stove whilst you swallow another pain killer? Well that is exactly what’s happening in the case of millions of sick people worldwide … no healing – just nonsensical suppression.

The most important thing about pain is that it is very real to the sufferer and can be expressed and described by the sufferer in the most absolute, certain and detailed way! Ask a person to describe their pain and you’ll be amazed at the diversity of narratives!

Shooting, throbbing, tearing, pulling, radiating, gnawing, drawing, prickling, electric, exploding, pressurised, burning, icy, aching, stabbing, scraping, needling, cutting, piercing …

The individual’s description of the pain is very important in the world of homeopathy both for the practitioner and in self-help. The nature and characteristics of the pain indicate the best remedy that will encourage that pain towards completion, and will result in the subsequent healing of any accompanying disorder. Healing can only be encouraged – it cannot be forced!

Therefore, no pain, no gain, no healing!


No pain, no gain, no healing! by Eugenie Rowson
No pain, no gain, no healing! by Eugenie Rowson