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Nux Vom – for life in the fast lane

In today’s fast-paced world, there are many men and women who benefit enormously from the homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica, which comes from the poison nut tree. Nux Vom is often called the workaholic’s remedy or the 21st century remedy, and is one of the most commonly used remedies around the world. Nux Vom will help to restore balance to the person who is:

  • Fussy about order and accuracy
  • Likes tidiness and tends to overdo things
  • Highly impatient and irritable
  • Liable to sudden outburts of rage under extreme stress
  • Unduly exasperated over contradiction and trifles
  • Feels better after a good blow up
  • Oversensitive to and irritated by strong odours and noise
  • Fault-finding and quarrelsome
  • Prone to overindulging (may smoke, drink alcohol to excess, or overeat)
  • Even though they are irritable and fault-finding, the Nux Vom person is genuine and big-hearted and very remorseful after an altercation! 

Physical symptoms: The person who would benefit from Nux Vom:

  • May suffer from digestive disorders (as they thrive on excess)
  • Crave rich, spicy foods and stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, chocolate and diet pills
  • Often suffers from constipation, heartburn, cramps and spasms
  • May suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or hernias
  • Dislikes the cold
  • May experience stiffness in the neck and shoulders, headaches and migraines
  • May wake up between 3 and 4am, and too much mental activity will make it difficult to go back to sleep
  • Will generally have an acid system, which predisposes them to health problems

Nux Vom is also the number one hangover remedy (it is an excellent for promoting detoxification), and is indicated for treating PMS, addictions, stress, bloatedness, indigestion, constipation and piles, and even road rage. Nux Vom will restore balance in the workaholic and pacify the irritated! It is the remedy indicated for all things “irritable” – an irritable mood, irritable cough, irritable bowel and even irritation in response to stimuli such as noise.

Homeopathic remedies are affordable, safe and highly effective. They have no side effects because only a minute amount of the active ingredient is used in their preparation. They work by stimulating the body’s own healing powers.