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Our top remedies for sleeping

Aconitum – a very helpful remedy for restlessness; anxious dreams and much tossing about always accompanied by anxiety or a sense of fear with a need to keep cool.

Arsenicum Alb – similar to Aconitum, this remedy assists with restless sleep that is full of anxiety and fear. However, there is a desire for warmth.

Coffea – for sleeplessness caused by much mental activity; flow of ideas; when you just can’t switch off.

Kali Brom – for restless sleep, with grinding of teeth or night terrors/bad dreams.

Kali Phos – select this remedy if you are suffering from mental or physical exhaustion and yet cannot sleep well; sleep is full of anxiety.

Passiflora – this remedy has a soothing effect on the nervous system and brings about peaceful sleep – particularly suited to the over-tired, overworked, exhausted or the over-anxious.

Pulsatilla – if you experience sleepiness in the afternoons yet find yourself wide awake near bed time – give this remedy a try.

White Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy – for insomnia from obsessive thoughts (you might even jump out of bed to write down ideas or things to remember!), internal conversation and arguments – when you simply can’t switch off and rest.

Sleep easy & sweet dreams formula – Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sleeplessness, insomnia and an overactive mind at bedtime or during the night. This formula is gentle enough for infants, strong enough for hyper-stressed executives and exhausted new moms. This formula contains a combination of the above remedies known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, and is particularly indicated to assist with restless sleep; anxious dreams and much tossing about; sleeplessness caused by much mental activity and night terrors. Well-suited to the over-tired, overworked, exhausted or the over-anxious, who simply can’t switch off and rest.