Toothache & Abscess Formula

For throbbing pain in the teeth and gums; extremely painful toothache. Person may be driven to distraction from the pain; displays great irritability, anger and impatience. Pains may be shooting or neuralgic in nature…

R150.00 Add to cart
Travellers’ Disorders Formula

This formula is an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to help with symptoms relating to travel, including mild nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, vertigo, sleep disorders or disturbances and jetlag.

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Tremors and Trembling Formula

This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with tremors or trembling and movement disorders of the muscles, the hands, feet, jaw, tongue or head. This disorder may be related to Parkinsonion type symptoms, thyroid dysfunction, liver and /or metal toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, the side effects of  suppressive medicines or neurological disturbances, and drug/alcohol dependencies especially during withdrawal. Professional advice is recommended in any of the above cases. This remedy can be taken together with any other well indicated formula in this range.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart

The colour of creative expression. It represents all forms of creativity, communication, truth and will power. Soothes the nerves and relieves pain…

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Urtica Urens



Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.


Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.

See label on bottle for remedy names.


Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.

Best before:
3 months after opening.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Varicose & Spider Veins Formula

This formula assists with large, swollen, painful throbbing veins and broken capillary veins. Helps to return elasticity to the cardiovascular system.

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Venous Congestion & Ulceration Formula

This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to assist with severe varicose veins accompanied by blotching and discolouration of the skin, bruising and haemorrhaging under the skin, poor circulation, poor blood flow through the veins causing broken skin and ulceration.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart

Strain, stress, tension, over-enthusiasm, over-effort. Will is too strong for body and the person “lives on their nerves”. Time seems to be working against you. Feels tense and frustrated. Strong opinion imposed on others. Highly strung. Fanatical. Tension causes inability to relax. Mind always ahead, inclined to tackle too many jobs at the same time. Extremes of mental energy.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart

Dominating, forceful, ambitious, efficient, strong-willed. Quick-thinkers in emergency. Like to lay down the law and want things done their way. No desire to convert others, just expect obedience. Craves power. Greedy for authority. Child may rule the roost. Knows better than anyone. Can be tyrannical and dictatorial.

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Associated with serenity, beauty and spirituality. It soothes, calms and brings comfort. Violet gives a person a spiritual or higher outlook in life…

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Vitality & Enthusiasm Formula

Assists with symptoms associated with low libido and lack of sexual desire in both men and women. Promotes a healthy libido and renewed vigour, vitality and joie de vivre.

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Voice Loss Formula

Helps to ease symptoms associated with laryngitis such as hoarseness, gruffness, loss of voice, pain and dryness in the larynx (voice box). Voice may be deep and croaky, sometimes accompanied by a tickling, irritating cough…

not rated R150.00 Add to cart

Need to break free from past influences but unable to adjust to new surroundings or conditions of life. Helps with change and to move on. Oversensitive to ideas and influences. Definite ideals and ambitions, yet can be swayed by stronger personality.

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Warts, Moles & Molluscums Formula

For all types of warts, molluscums (small, round, firm bumps on the skin), moles, skin tags and brown spots on the skin, found anywhere on the body.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Water Retention/ Oedema Formula

This formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with water or fluid retention and swelling such as puffiness, swollen feet, legs and fingers, etc. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to promote water balance within the body.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Water Violet

Proud, quiet, gentle. Great inner peace and serenity. Shows little emotion and prefers not to become involved in the affairs of others. Goes their own way. Aloof. Bears grief and sorrows in silence. Condescending. Independent, self-reliant. Willing to offer advice without becoming personally involved in the affairs of others.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart