We recommend our Combination Formulas:

Dizziness & Motion Sickness Formula
For symptoms of motion sickness such as dizziness, vertigo and noises in the ears with tinnitus, which may be accompanied by nausea and anxiety.

Nausea & Vomiting Formula
For symptoms of diarrhoea relating to gastric flu, gastroenteritis or food poisoning, fear, anxiety or shock. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal.
For a suggested single remedy that describes your symptoms choose from below – or go to our Combination formulas for an easy-to-choose option
Also see Digestive disorders; Jetlag, travel sickness
Aconitum – for dizziness that is worse when rising in the morning or shaking one’s head. May be accompanied by feelings of anxiety, fear or worry. Headache may be of the bursting, burning type (feels like hot water in the head). Great thirst.
Arg Nit – for dizziness when you are feeling shaky and nervous, possibly with anticipatory fears.
Belladonna – for dizziness which comes on suddenly; feels as though you may fall over sideways or backwards. May be accompanied by a severe throbbing headache which is made worse by lying down flat. You cannot bear the slightest noise or movement.
Bryonia – for dizziness accompanied by nausea. Also for a bursting, splitting headache affecting the eyes, sinuses and back of the head and which is made worse by any movement. Great irritability.
Carbo Veg – for dizziness, faintness with nausea and possible ringing in the ears. Urgent need for fresh air and to be fanned. Nausea in the morning after over-indulgence. The smell of food is unbearable.
Cocculus – for dizziness, nausea, faintness and vomiting brought on by motion. The first remedy for motion (travel/car/sea) sickness. You need to lie completely flat and not move (as opposed to doubling over with pain). Moving your head can bring on these symptoms.
Cuprum – the greatest nausea remedy! Helpful where giddiness accompanies ailments.
Gelsemium – for dizziness and drowsiness which spreads from the back of the head, accompanied by a dull, heavy headache with heaviness in the eyelids. Muscular weakness, listlessness and tiredness. Need to lie down, be quiet and be left alone.
Ipecac – use in cases where there is much nausea and little or no vomiting and low thirst. Also helpful for a spasmodic coughing fit that ends in the vomiting of much mucus.
Petroleum – similar to Cocculus, this remedy will help symptoms of motion sickness or wherever there is great dizziness (especially on rising) which feels like seasickness, possibly accompanied by nausea with hunger – strangely, eating improves the nausea.
Sepia – a great women’s remedy for dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Helps with nausea in the morning before eating and possibly vomiting after eating. Cannot bear the smell or sight of certain foods. Particularly helpful in pregnancy. May feel moody, irritable and tearful.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Argentum Nit
Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Carbo Veg
Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt the bottle on palm of hand before use. Adults, children & pets: 1 spray into the mouth.
Infants: 1 spray onto a plastic spoon and pour into the mouth. Half hourly on first day, thereafter 4 – 6 times a day. Reduce with improvement.
Ingredients: Electro-magnetically energised solution of 200c potency.
See label on bottle for remedy names. Safe for infants and pregnant mothers.
5% alcohol with purified water. Nothing artificial. Non-toxic. 30ml.
Keep away from heat, cellphone, electrical and battery operated appliances. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.