Allergies & Hayfever Formula

Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with an allergy / allergies and hayfever, such as sneezing; puffy, scratchy or streaming eyes; blocked or runny nose; sore throat, headaches and tiredness, persistent and itchy skin rash. Helps to improve a person’s tolerance to allergens/irritants in the environment, especially during the change of season. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
BEE sting allergy formula & antidote1M (High potency)

Bee stings can produce different reactions, ranging from temporary pain and discomfort to a severe allergic reaction.

Most of the time, bee sting symptoms are minor and include, instant, sharp burning pain at the sting site, a red welt at the sting area and slight swelling around the sting area.

Can be used in conjunction with any other remedy.

R170.00 Add to cart
Cat Hair Intolerance Formula

For cat hair intolerance. This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to relieve symptoms associated with, and improve a person’s tolerance to cat hair. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.

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Dairy Intolerance Formula

For dairy intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to dairy products, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Dog Hair Intolerance Formula

For dog hair intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to relieve symptoms associated with, and improve a person’s tolerance to dog hair. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.

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Gluten Intolerance Formula

For gluten intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to gluten, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Grasses Intolerance Formula

For grasses and weeds intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of selected vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to grasses and weeds, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults… 

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Lactose Intolerance Formula

For lactose intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to lactose, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Pollen Intolerance Formula

For pollen intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to pollen, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Wheat Intolerance Formula

For wheat intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to wheat, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Whole Egg Intolerance Formula

For egg intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of selected vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to egg, and to assist with relieving the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

not rated R150.00 Add to cart