Candida, Thrush & Fungal Infection Formula

For fungal infections, athlete’s foot, vaginal and oral thrush; also helps to counteract the ill-effects of taking antibiotics. Should be taken by anyone who has been on a course of antibiotics to restore balance to the digestive system.

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Constipation Formula

Helps to relieve constipation in babies, children and adults. Assists with painful or unsuccessful urging; dry, hard stools; painful stools. Straining during stool; unfinished sensation. For those who may go for days without an urge to move the bowels. Effective after long habit of taking laxatives. Also assists with pain and disorders relating to a prolapsed rectum, and compacted faeces associated with prolapse. Can be used with the Haemorrhoids formula where haemorrhoids and/or rectal fissures occur.

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Diarrhoea Formula

For symptoms of diarrhoea relating to gastric flu, gastroenteritis or food poisoning, fear, anxiety or shock. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal. May also be used as a preventative measure for travellers and when a gastric bug is doing the rounds at school or in the office.

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Digestion Disorders & IBS formula

For symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon, such as bloating, distention, cramps and spasms, diarrhoea and constipation. Restores balance to the digestive system.

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Gastro formula

For symptoms of Gastroenteritis including appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhoea. Severe symptoms may include dehydration, shock and collapse, most likely in babies and the elderly.

This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring intestinal bacterial balance to normal. May also be used as a preventative measure for travellers and when a gastric bug is doing the rounds at school, in the office or when on holiday.

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Gut flora repair / probiotic stimulation / digestive enzymes boost formula

This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies which have been carefully selected to encourage the ecological balance of the microorganisms within the digestive tract that is beneficial to a healthy digestive system and essential to a strong immune system.

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Haemorrhoids Formula

Use this formula to relieve internal and external haemorrhoids/piles, as well as anal fissures and associated bleeding. Symptoms may include severe pain, itching, burning, bleeding and shooting pains, itching and bleeding, and difficulty passing a stool. Take together with Constipation formula and Bleeding disorders formula if bleeding is excessive.

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Hemorrhoids Formula

Use this formula to relieve internal and external haemorrhoids/piles, as well as anal fissures and associated bleeding. Symptoms may include severe pain, itching, burning, bleeding and shooting pains, itching and bleeding, and difficulty passing a stool. Take together with Constipation formula and Bleeding disorders formula if bleeding is excessive.

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Herbicides & pesticides antidote formula

This formula will assist with antidoting and detoxification of ,ost major herbicides, pesticides/insecticides, chemicals, environmental toxins, cosmetics, plastics, pollutants and chemical poisons.

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Kidney, liver & lymph drainage/ chemical detox formula

In the toxic world that we live in today, we recommend this formula to encourage drainage and support of major eliminating organs, including the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system. Stimulates elimination of toxins and chemicals from the body…

R150.00 Add to cart
Liver & Gallbladder Disorders Formula

Improves liver and gallbladder function by promoting detoxification of these vital organs. Relieves symptoms associated with gallstones. Helps to clear the blood of poisonous substances and toxins.

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Lymphatic drainage & support formula

Use this remedy to support the lymphatic system during some illnesses and disorders, for elimination of toxins from the body and to increase general nourishment…

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Mumps Formula

Use this formula to relieve painful or swollen glands on each side of the face and pain or tenderness around the swelling.

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Nausea & Vomiting Formula

For symptoms of diarrhoea relating to gastric flu, gastroenteritis or food poisoning, fear, anxiety or shock. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal.

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Pet Gas & Digestion Formula

Helps to relieve indigestion, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, distention, gas and foul flatulence associated with digestive disorders. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring the animal.

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pH / hydration / mineral balance Formula

This formula comprises of a combination of mineral-based remedies that will encourage pH and hydration balance, thereby encouraging alkalinity that is essential for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolic functioning including the eliminating organs resulting in overall wellbeing.

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