Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Postnasal Drip, and Allergies & Hayfever Nasal Spray
This new improved NASAL spray helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis, runny nose, congestion and postnasal drip as well as allergies & hayfever. See more in description below.

Sleep Easy Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sleeplessness, insomnia and an overactive mind at bedtime or during the night. This formula is gentle enough for infants, strong enough for hyper-stressed executives and exhausted new moms. This formula contains a combination of remedies known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and is particularly indicated to assist with restless sleep; anxious dreams and much tossing about; sleeplessness caused by much mental activity and night terrors…

Stress, Exhaustion & Burnout Formula
For symptoms of exhaustion, burnout, mental and physical fatigue and exhaustion after prolonged stress. Assists with feelings of being overwhelmed, low energy levels, exhaustion and burnout. Improves adrenal function and the ability to cope with and respond to everyday stress…

Sunstroke & Sunburn Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sunstroke, such as sunburn, blistering and dehydration. Promotes healing and speedy recovery. Remember to keep the patient well hydrated.

Tonsillitis & Sore Throat Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with tonsillitis and sore throat, such as severe pain, inflammation and infection, fever, enlarged tonsils, difficult swallowing, loss of appetite. May be accompanied by swollen glands, runny nose, earache and other cold and flu symptoms.

Travellers’ Disorders Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to help with symptoms relating to travel, including mild nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, vertigo, sleep disorders or disturbances and jetlag.