Ringworm Formula
Provides relief and promotes healing of any circular, itchy red skin rash on the skin that appears in isolated patches.

SAD Formula
For optimism, hope, enthusiasm, joy for life and enjoyment of physical expression. Heals depression and helps you feel calm and nurtured. Removes a soggy, down-trodden feeling. Restores a sunshiny disposition, whatever the weather!
Comprises of the vibration of Aurum, Flannel Flower, Wild Rose, Red Suva Frangipani and Sunshine Wattle.

Scar Tissue, Keloids & Stretch Marks Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of remedies known to promote elasticity throughout the body, reduce the severity of scarring and formation of stretchmarks. Helpful in preventing and reducing keloid scarring. Encourages the reabsorption of scar tissue…

Seniors Trio +1 Pack
3 essential remedies for the over 50’s, plus a free remedy…

Shingles Formula
This formula should be taken at the first sign of shingles to help relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. Can also be taken as a prophylactic to strengthen immunity and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Sinusitis, Rhinitis & Postnasal Drip Formula
This highly effective formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis (runny nose), congestion and postnasal drip, as well as severe pain in the sinus and facial area (brows, around eyes, cheekbones)…

Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Postnasal Drip, and Allergies & Hayfever Nasal Spray
This new improved NASAL spray helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis, runny nose, congestion and postnasal drip as well as allergies & hayfever. See more in description below.

Skin Disorders, Eczema & Psoriasis Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema and stubborn chronic skin disorders. Symptoms may include thickened patches of skin; red, scaly, itchy, inflamed skin; scales; flaking, oozing, blistering, crusty or herpetic eruptions; cradle cap; pustules, blisters; intolerable itching anywhere on the body; swelling; rough, raw and scaly skin.

Skin Rash Formula
Helps to relieve acute symptoms such as itchy, allergic skin rashes, bumps, urticaria/hives, dermatitis, etc. Itching can be severe and persistent, and symptoms may be worse at night.

Sleep Easy Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sleeplessness, insomnia and an overactive mind at bedtime or during the night. This formula is gentle enough for infants, strong enough for hyper-stressed executives and exhausted new moms. This formula contains a combination of remedies known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and is particularly indicated to assist with restless sleep; anxious dreams and much tossing about; sleeplessness caused by much mental activity and night terrors…

Snoring Formula
This formula contains a combination of remedies that assists with snoring by reducing congestion of the nasal passages, enlarged tonsils and sinus congestion.

Sports Anxiety & Tension Formula
Assists with anticipatory fears, nervousness and tension before a sporting event, race or competition. Improves self-confidence and assists with performance anxiety…

Sports Fatigue & Lactic Acid Build-Up Formula
Use before and after strenuous physical activity to prevent and reduce lactic-acid build-up, dehydration, and general muscle stiffness and related pain.

Sports Injury & Recovery Formula
Helps to reduce fatigue after strenuous exercise and competition, especially during contact sports. Promotes speedy recovery after strenuous exercise, sprains and strains, bruising, injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints, as well as possible concussion. Assists with recovery on both a physical and a mental level after excessive strain.

Sports Mind & Body Preparation Formula
Encourages emotional calm, focus and clarity before physical challenges/competition. Promotes vitality and encourages mental focus and concentration. Helps to prevent mental and physical fatigue and burn-out during the sporting season. Also helps to overcome mental negativity and improve confidence. Reduces fear of failure and assists with performance anxiety.

Sports Sprains & Strains Formula
This formula contains a range of remedies known to promote speedy recovery after any injury including sprains, strains, dislocation, and muscular wear and tear. Helps to relieves all symptoms brought on after a strain, over-lifting, tear or twist to any fibrous connective tissue of the body, including joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, such as in the neck, back, hips, knees and extremities.